首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American College of Surgeons >Outpatient cholecystectomy at hospitals versus freestanding ambulatory surgical centers.

Outpatient cholecystectomy at hospitals versus freestanding ambulatory surgical centers.


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BACKGROUND: Because of safety concerns, some payers do not reimburse for laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed in freestanding ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). This policy has been controversial because of increasing competition between ASCs and hospitals for low risk surgical patients. STUDY DESIGN: We performed a retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing elective outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the state of Florida in 2002 and 2003 (n=40,040), using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality State Ambulatory Surgery Database. Patients treated in hospitals and ASCs were compared with respect to patient characteristics, charges, outcomes, and processes of care. RESULTS: For both hospital-based and ASC-based laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients, greater than 99% were successfully discharged home, and there were no reported deaths. Compared with those treated in hospitals, patients in ASCs had a higher rate of intraoperative cholangiogram (39% versus 36%, p=0.008). There was no difference in the proportion of procedures converted to open cholecystectomy. ASC-based patients were slightly younger (mean age 45 years versus 49 years, p < 0.001), were less often diagnosed with acute cholecystitis (4.8% versus 8.3%, p < 0.001), and had fewer comorbidities on average than hospital-based patients, but both cohorts had few comorbidities overall (99% had Charlson scores of 0 or 1). ASC patients were more likely to be Caucasian (86% versus 75%, p < 0.001) and were more likely to have private insurance (92% versus 67%, p < 0.001). For patients who had ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy as the only procedure, the median charges were Dollars 6,028 at ASCs, compared with Dollars 10,876 at hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: In a population of slightly younger, healthier patients, laparoscopic cholecystectomy in freestanding ASCs appears to be performed safely and with substantially lower charges than in hospitals.
机译:背景:出于安全考虑,一些付款人不报销在独立门诊手术中心(ASC)进行的腹腔镜胆囊切除术。由于ASC和医院之间对低风险手术患者的竞争日益激烈,因此该政策引起争议。研究设计:我们使用美国医疗保健研究机构和州立优质门诊手术数据库,对2002年和2003年在佛罗里达州接受选择性门诊腹腔镜胆囊切除术的患者进行了回顾性队列研究。比较了在医院和ASC中接受治疗的患者的患者特征,收费,结局和护理过程。结果:对于基于医院和基于ASC的腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者,超过99%的患者成功出院,也没有死亡报告。与医院治疗相比,ASC患者的术中胆管造影率更高(39%比36%,p = 0.008)。进行开腹胆囊切除术的手术比例没有差异。基于ASC的患者年龄稍小(平均年龄45岁vs 49岁,p <0.001),被诊断为急性胆囊炎的频率较低(4.8%vs 8.3%,p <0.001),且合并症的平均发病率低于医院患者,但两个队列的合并症总体很少(99%的Charlson评分为0或1)。 ASC患者更可能是白种人(86%比75%,p <0.001),更有可能拥有私人保险(92%比67%,p <0.001)。对于唯一采用非卧床腹腔镜胆囊切除术的患者,ASC的平均费用为6,028美元,而医院为10,876美元。结论:在年龄稍轻,健康的患者人群中,在独立式ASC中进行腹腔镜胆囊切除术似乎是安全的,并且费用要比医院低得多。



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