首页> 外文期刊>Clinical drug investigation >Influence of BMI, Age and duration of diabetes mellitus on glycaemic control with twice-daily injections of biphasic insulin aspart 30 versus multiple daily injections of insulin aspart (JDDM 18): retrospective reanalysis of a 6-month, randomized, open-label, multicentre trial in Japan.

Influence of BMI, Age and duration of diabetes mellitus on glycaemic control with twice-daily injections of biphasic insulin aspart 30 versus multiple daily injections of insulin aspart (JDDM 18): retrospective reanalysis of a 6-month, randomized, open-label, multicentre trial in Japan.

机译:每日两次注射双相天冬氨酸30对比每日两次注射天冬氨酸胰岛素的BMI,糖尿病的年龄和持续时间对血糖控制的影响(JDDM 18):回顾性重新分析为期6个月的随机,开放标签,多中心日本审判。

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Good glycaemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus often requires insulin supplementation therapy. Recent developments of analogue insulin and premixed formulations have increased the therapeutic options for patients who need such therapy. This study aimed to retrospectively clarify appropriate treatment regimens according to age, body mass index (BMI) and duration of diabetes in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes previously entered in an open-label, randomized trial that compared convenience-oriented biphasic insulin aspart 30 versus multiple injections of insulin aspart with or without NPH insulin. METHODS: Japanese insulin-naive patients were randomized to receive either biphasic insulin aspart 30 twice daily or insulin aspart three times daily with or without multiple injections of NPH insulin for a treatment period lasting 6 months. RESULTS: Reduction of glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)) at the end of 6 months was not different in the two treatment groups irrespective of BMI, age and duration of diabetes. However, the achievement rate of HbA(1c) <7.0% was significantly higher in patients with a BMI <25 kg/m2 in the multiple-injection group and tended to be higher in patients with a diabetes duration <10 years in the twice-daily injection group. CONCLUSION: Twice-daily injections of biphasic insulin aspart 30 may be more suitable for obese patients whereas multiple injections of insulin aspart with or without NPH insulin may be preferable for those with a longer duration of diabetes.
机译:背景与目的:糖尿病患者良好的血糖控制通常需要补充胰岛素。类似胰岛素和预混制剂的最新发展为需要这种治疗的患者增加了治疗选择。这项研究旨在根据先前参加开放式随机试验的日本2型糖尿病患者的年龄,体重指数(BMI)和糖尿病病程,根据年龄,体重指数和糖尿病持续时间来明确适当的治疗方案,该研究比较了以便利性为导向的双相胰岛素aspart 30与多次注射门冬胰岛素(有或没有NPH胰岛素)。方法:将日本未经胰岛素治疗的患者随机分为两组,分别接受每日两次30天的双相天冬胰岛素或每天3次,无论是否注射NPH胰岛素,连续3个月,连续治疗6个月。结果:两个治疗组的6个月末糖化血红蛋白(HbA(1c))的减少与BMI,年龄和糖尿病持续时间无关,两者无差异。但是,在多次注射组中,BMI <25 kg / m2的患者中HbA(1c)<7.0%的达到率显着更高,而在糖尿病持续时间<10年的患者中,两次注射的HbA(1c)达到率则更高。每日注射组。结论:每天两次注射双相天冬氨酸30可能更适合肥胖患者,而对于患有糖尿病持续时间较长的患者,可能更希望多次注射天冬氨酸胰岛素或不使用NPH胰岛素。



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