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Chiropractic care amongst people with multiple sclerosis: A survey of MS therapy centres in the UK


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Objective: Many of the musculoskeletal symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be managed with physical therapy. Chiropractors are well placed to deliver this, but the extent of their involvement in the team management of multiple sclerosis in the UK is unknown. The present study investigates the level of awareness and use of chiropractic by people with MS in the UK.Methods: A retrospective cross sectional postal survey design was employed, utilising a structured, self-administered questionnaire and convenience sampling of individuals aged over 18 years with a definitive diagnosis of MS who were members of UK MS Therapy Centres.Results: Ninety-one per cent of respondents had used complementary therapy modalities of some kind, with physiotherapy being the most popular (52%), followed by massage (44%), then chiropractic (42%). Of those that had used chiropractic, 68% used it to manage their MS symptoms and most would recommend it to others with MS. Just under half had consulted their General Practitioner for approval prior to receiving the treatment, with 79% obtaining support. Of those who did not use chiropractic, 78% cited lack of knowledge about chiropractic as the main reason. All of the MS therapy centres contacted during this study offered physiotherapy and massage, but none offered chiropractic.Conclusions: There is moderate uptake of chiropractic by people with MS in the UK together with a willingness to recommend it. Further awareness of the potential benefits of chiropractic amongst stakeholders may help its integration into the team management of MS.
机译:目的:许多与多发性硬化症(MS)有关的肌肉骨骼症状可以通过物理疗法进行治疗。脊椎治疗师可以很好地做到这一点,但是在英国他们参与多发性硬化症团队管理的程度尚不清楚。本研究调查了英国多发性硬化症患者对脊骨疗法的认识和使用水平。方法:采用回顾性横断面邮政调查设计,利用结构化,自我管理的调查表并对18岁以上年龄的个体进行便利抽样结果是:英国MS治疗中心的成员对MS进行了明确的诊断。结果:91%的受访者使用了某种补充疗法,其中最受欢迎的是物理疗法(52%),其次是按摩(44%) ,然后是整脊(42%)。在使用脊椎按摩疗法的患者中,有68%的人使用脊椎按摩疗法来控制其MS症状,大多数会推荐给其他患有MS的患者。不到一半的人在接受治疗之前已经咨询了他们的全科医生以获取批准,其中79%的人获得了支持。在不使用脊骨疗法的患者中,有78%的人将缺乏对脊骨疗法的知识作为主要原因。本研究中联系的所有MS治疗中心都提供了物理治疗和按摩,但没有一家提供脊骨按摩治疗。结论:英国的MS人群对脊骨治疗的吸收中等,并且愿意推荐这种疗法。利益相关者之间对脊椎治疗的潜在好处的进一步了解可能有助于将其纳入MS的团队管理中。



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