首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science >Anthocyanin degradation in detached pome fruit with reference to preharvest red color loss and pigmentation patterns of blushed and fully red pears

Anthocyanin degradation in detached pome fruit with reference to preharvest red color loss and pigmentation patterns of blushed and fully red pears


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Exposed fruit of 'Rosemarie' blushed pear (Pyrus communis L.) displayed daily fluctuations in color in response to temperature while color was more stable in other blushed and fully red cultivars. 'Rosemarie' pears increased in redness with the passing of cold fronts, but rapidly lost red color during intermittent warmer periods. Studies on anthocyanin degradation in detached apples and pears indicated that preharvest red color loss was due to net anthocyanin degradation at high temperatures. In support, anthocyanin degradation in attached 'Rosemarie' pears corresponded with a warm period during fruit development. Susceptibility to color loss was dependent on the ability of fruit to accumulate anthocyanin. This is due to an exponential relationship between anthocyanin concentration and hue at high pigment levels and a linear relationship at lower pigment levels. Blushed and red pear cultivars that accumulate more anthocyanin with lesser dependence on climatic conditions were less susceptible to fluctuation in color.
机译:暴露的'Rosemarie'脸红梨(Pyrus communis L.)的果实表现出每天随温度变化的颜色波动,而其他脸红和全红品种的颜色更稳定。随着冷锋的过去,“ Rosemarie”梨的红度增加,但在间歇性暖化时期迅速失去红色。对分离的苹果和梨中花色苷降解的研究表明,收获前的红色损失是由于高温下花色苷的净降解所致。作为支持,附着的“ Rosemarie”梨中的花色苷降解与水果发育期间的温暖时期相对应。颜色损失的敏感性取决于水果积累花色苷的能力。这是由于在高颜料含量时花青素浓度与色相之间呈指数关系,而在较低颜料含量时呈线性关系。积累更多花色苷且对气候条件的依赖性较小的蓝色和红色梨品种对颜色波动的敏感性较小。



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