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Effect of Shading on Red Colour and Fruit Quality in Blush Pears ANP-0118 and ANP-0131

机译:遮荫对腮红 ANP-0118和 ANP-0131的红色和果实品质的影响



Some cultivars of develop mature fruit with a distinctive red blush. Investigating the patterns of pear colour development in response to sunlight has implications for orchard management of these pears. The objectives of these experiments are to study the seasonal patterns of colour development and investigate the influence of shade and sunlight exposure on the red colour and harvest quality of blush pears “ANP-0118” and “ANP-0131”. Several long, medium and short shading treatments were applied at different stages of fruit development from 28 (“ANP-0131”) and 29 (“ANP-0118”) days after full bloom (DAFB) until harvests at 119 DAFB (“ANP-0118”) and 175 DAFB (“ANP-0131”). Fruits were measured every three weeks for colour parameters (a*, hue angle, chroma) and at harvest for quality parameters (fresh weight, visual assessments of percentage blush coverage and blush intensity, flesh firmness and soluble solids concentration). In the unshaded control, red colour increased during the growing season (increase in a* value and decrease in hue angle), as well as increasing in chroma value. Periods of shading during the season negatively affected red colour in both cultivars, as evidenced by significant decreases in a* value and increases in hue angle. Shaded fruits that were subsequently re-exposed to sunlight reacted with a dynamic increase in a* value and decrease in hue angle. Fruit shaded for the length of the experiment or prior to harvest had significantly lower a* values than the control at harvest. Visual assessment at harvest of percentage blush coverage and blush intensity were significantly affected by shading in both cultivars. Shading treatments applied early in the experiment had a negative effect on the fresh fruit weight of “ANP-0118”.
机译:一些栽培成熟果实的品种带有独特的红色腮红。研究响应阳光的梨色发展模式对于这些梨的果园管理具有重要意义。这些实验的目的是研究色彩发展的季节性模式,并研究阴暗和阳光照射对“ ANP-0118”和“ ANP-0131”红梨的红色和收获质量的影响。从盛开(DAFB)后的28天(“ ANP-0131”)和29(“ ANP-0118”)天开始,直到果实达到119 DAFB(“ ANP- 0118”)和175 DAFB(“ ANP-0131”)。每三周测量一次水果的颜色参数(a *,色相角,色度),并在收获时测量质量参数(鲜重,目测评估腮红覆盖率和腮红强度,果肉硬度和可溶性固形物浓度)。在无阴影的对照中,红色在生长期增加(a *值增加,色相角减小),并且色度值增加。季节中的遮光期会对两个品种的红色产生负面影响,这可以通过a *值的显着降低和色相角的增加来证明。随后再次暴露在阳光下的阴暗水果会动态增加a *值并降低色相角。在整个实验过程中或收获前加阴影的水果的a *值均明显低于对照。两种品种的遮光作用均会显着影响收获时的视觉评估,即脸红覆盖率和脸红强度都受到影响。在实验的早期进行的遮光处理对“ ANP-0118”的新鲜水果重量有负面影响。



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