首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science >Pollen mobilization in selected cucurbitaceae and the putative effects of pollinator abundance on pollen depletion rates

Pollen mobilization in selected cucurbitaceae and the putative effects of pollinator abundance on pollen depletion rates


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Very little is known about the rate at which pollen grains are mobilized within insect-pollinated crop systems, and this is especially true the for commercial production of field-grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), monoecious muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.), and triploid watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]. The rates of pollen depletion for these crops were therefore investigated on plots simulating commercial crop production using a mixed honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) and humble bee (Bombus impatiens Cresson) pollinator complex. At anthesis, staminate cucumber, muskmelon, and watermelon flowers contained on average 10539,11176, and 30739 pollen grains/flower, respectively. At the time flowers closed in the early afternoon (1300 to 1400 FIR), only 61% of the total pollen produced had been removed from staminate cucumber flowers, 44% to 62% from muskmelon, and 81% from watermelon flowers. The results suggest that total pollen production in these crops may not necessarily reflect total pollen availability to floral visitors (bees). However, of the total amount of pollen actually removed per flower, >57% occurred during the 2 h following flower anthesis of cucumber and muskmelon, and >77% occurred during the 2 h following flower anthesis of watermelon. Thus, most of the accessible pollen was removed shortly after anthesis, which is when these crops are most receptive to pollination. Nonviable triploid and viable diploid watermelon pollen were removed at similar rates (P = 0.4604). While correlation analyses were not possible for the influence of variable bee abundance on pollen depletion rates, higher bee populations in one year appeared to increase the rate at which pollen grains were removed from staminate flowers.
机译:关于昆虫授粉的作物系统中花粉粒迁移的速率知之甚少,对于田间种植的黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.),雌性甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)的商业化生产尤其如此,和三倍体西瓜[Citrullus lanatus(Thunb。)Matsum。 &Nakai]。因此,在使用混合蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)和谦卑蜜蜂(Bombus impatiens Cresson)传粉媒介的模拟商业作物生产的地块上,研究了这些作物的花粉消耗率。在花期,主菜黄瓜,甜瓜和西瓜的花分别平均含10539、11176和30739个花粉粒/花。在午后(1300到1400 FIR)的花朵关闭时,仅从固定的黄瓜花中除去了总花粉的61%,从甜瓜中除去了44%至62%,从西瓜中除去了81%。结果表明,这些农作物的总花粉产量不一定反映出花客(蜂)的总花粉利用率。但是,在每朵花实际清除的花粉总量中,> 57%发生在黄瓜和香瓜的花期后2小时内,> 77%发生在西瓜的花期后2小时内。因此,大多数可获取的花粉在开花后不久就被去除,那时这些农作物最容易接受授粉。不可行的三倍体和可行的二倍体西瓜花粉的去除率相似(P = 0.4604)。尽管不可能通过相关分析来分析可变的蜂类丰度对花粉消耗率的影响,但一年中较高的蜜蜂种群似乎会增加从固定花中去除花粉粒的速度。



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