首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Forestry >Fate of culm shoots in wild stands of a tropical clumping bamboo.

Fate of culm shoots in wild stands of a tropical clumping bamboo.


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Bamboo culm shoots provide food for humans and wildlife and are the basis for vegetative recruitment by bamboo genets, a potential three-way competition with implications for sustainability. The fate of 605 culm shoots from three wild stands of Bambusa arnhemica F.Muell., a riparian bamboo from northern Australia, were identified. Shoots emerged over a four to five month period, but shoots that emerged in the first month were rarely successful. Recruitment rates were similar at about 38% in an unmanaged and a protected stand, with losses due to harvesters and animals four times higher at the former and losses due to culms rotting almost three times higher at the latter. Harvesters and feral animals preferentially removed shoots close to or beyond the periphery of clumps. It is proposed that culm rot is not pathogenic but rather a compensation mechanism in which shoots in excess of recruitment potential are produced, held in abeyance and nutrients withdrawn from them if they are not needed as replacements. If correct, this offers potential for sustainability in the harvest of shoots from unmanaged wild bamboo stands, but issues relating to clump expansion and culm size remain to be addressed.
机译:竹笋为人类和野生生物提供食物,是竹种进行营养招募的基础,这是潜在的三向竞争,对可持续发展具有影响。确定了来自澳大利亚北部河岸竹子Bambusa arnhemica F.Muell。的三个野生林分的605茎新芽的命运。在四到五个月的时间内出现了芽,但是在第一个月出现的芽很少成功。在不受管理和受保护的林分中,招聘率相近,约为38%,前者因收割机和牲畜造成的损失高四倍,而因茎秆腐烂而造成的损失则高近三倍。收割者和野性动物优先去除靠近或超过丛集外围的芽。有人提出,茎杆腐烂不是致病的,而是一种补偿机制,在这种机制下,会产生超过补充潜力的新芽,被搁置,如果不需要它们作为替代品,则从它们中吸收养分。如果正确,这为从未经管理的野生竹林中收获枝条提供了可持续发展的潜力,但是与团块扩展和茎秆大小有关的问题仍有待解决。



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