首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Structural Biology >Towards monitoring transport of single cargos across individual nuclear pore complexes by time-lapse atomic force microscopy

Towards monitoring transport of single cargos across individual nuclear pore complexes by time-lapse atomic force microscopy


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A new preparation procedure was developed for the stable adsorption of either the cytoplasmic or the nuclear face of native (i.e. in physiological buffer without detergent extraction and in the absence of chemical fixatives) Xenopus oocyte nuclear envelopes (NEs) onto silicon (Si) surfaces. This yields optimal structural preservation of the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) without compromising their functional properties. The functional viability of thus prepared NPCs was documented by time-lapse atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the reversible calcium-mediated opening (i.e. +Ca2+) and closing (i.e. -Ca2+) of the iris diaphragm-like distal ring topping the NPCs' nuclear baskets. Moreover, site-specific single colloidal gold particle detection was documented by AFM imaging one and the same NPC before and after immuno-gold labeling the sample with a nucleoporin-specific antibody. With this new preparation protocol at hand, we should eventually be able to follow by time-lapse AFM transport of single gold-conjugated cargos across individual NPCs.
机译:开发了一种新的制备程序,以将非洲爪蟾卵母细胞核被膜(NEs)稳定地吸附到天然的细胞质或核表面(即在生理缓冲液中,无需去污剂提取且不使用化学固定剂)。这样可以在不损害其功能特性的情况下,对核孔复合物(NPC)进行最佳的结构保存。如此制备的NPC的功能生存力是通过时空原子力显微镜(AFM)记录的,其位于NPC's上方的虹膜隔膜状远端环的可逆钙介导的开口(即+ Ca2 +)和闭合(即-Ca2 +)的可逆性。核篮。此外,通过原子力显微镜对一个和一个相同的NPC进行核金蛋白特异性抗体免疫金标记样品之前和之后的AFM成像,证明了位点特异性单个胶体金颗粒的检测。有了这个新的准备方案,我们最终应该能够在单个NPC上进行延时的AFM运输,将单个金缀合的货物运走。



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