首页> 外文期刊>Journal of strength and conditioning research >The reliability of linear position transducer and force plate measurement of explosive force-time variables during a loaded jump squat in elite athletes.

The reliability of linear position transducer and force plate measurement of explosive force-time variables during a loaded jump squat in elite athletes.


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The best method of assessing muscular force qualities during isoinertial stretch shorten cycle lower body movements remains a subject of much debate. This study had 2 purposes: Firstly, to calculate the interday reliability of peak force (PF) measurement and a variety of force-time measures, and, secondly, to compare the reliability of the 2 most common technologies for measuring force during loaded jump squats, the linear position transducer (PT), and the force plate (FP). Twenty-five male elite level rugby union players performed 3 rebound jump squats with a 40-kg external load on 2 occasions 1 week apart. Vertical ground reaction forces (GRFs) were directly measured via an FP, and force was differentiated from position data collected using a PT. From these data, a number of force-time variables were calculated for both the FP and PT. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), and percent change in the mean were used as measures of between-session reliability. Additionally, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficients were used to investigate intercorrelations between variables and technologies. Both FP and PT were found to be a reliable means of measuring PF (ICC = 0.88-0.96, CV = 2.3-4.8%), and the relationship between the 2 technologies was very high and high for days 1 and 2, respectively (r = 0.67-0.88). Force-time variables calculated from FP data tended to have greater relative and absolute consistency (ICC = 0.70-0.96, CV = 5.1-51.8%) than those calculated from differentiated PT data (ICC = 0.18-0.95, CV = 7.7-93.6%). Intercorrelations between variables ranged from trivial to practically perfect (r = 0.00-1.00). It was concluded that PF can be measured reliably with both FP and PT technologies, and these measurements are related. A number of force-time values can also be reliably calculated via the use of GRF data. Although some of these force-time variables can be reliably calculated using position data, variation of measurement is generally greater when using position data to calculate force.
机译:在等惯性伸展运动缩短下半身运动过程中评估肌肉力量质量的最佳方法仍然是许多争论的主题。这项研究有两个目的:首先,计算峰值力(PF)测量值的日间可靠性和各种力时测量方法;其次,比较两种最常用的测量有负荷跳蹲时力的可靠性。 ,线性位置传感器(PT)和压板(FP)。 25名男性精英级别的橄榄球联盟运动员在1周内两次进行了3次篮板跳跳蹲,外部负重40公斤。垂直地面反作用力(GRF)通过FP直接测量,力与使用PT收集的位置数据区分开。根据这些数据,为FP和PT计算了许多作用时间变量。类内相关系数(ICC),变异系数(CV)和均值变化百分比用作会话间可靠性的度量。此外,皮尔逊产品矩相关系数还用于研究变量与技术之间的相互关系。发现FP和PT都是测量PF的可靠方法(ICC = 0.88-0.96,CV = 2.3-4.8%),并且两种技术之间的关系分别在第1天和第2天非常高和很高(r = 0.67-0.88)。与根据差异PT数据计算的力时变量(ICC = 0.18-0.95,CV = 7.7-93.6%)相比,根据FP数据计算的力时变量往往具有更大的相对和绝对一致性(ICC = 0.70-0.96,CV = 5.1-51.8%) )。变量之间的相互关系范围从微不足道到几乎完美(r = 0.00-1.00)。结论是,FP和PT技术均可可靠地测量PF,并且这些测量是相关的。通过使用GRF数据也可以可靠地计算出许多作用时间值。尽管可以使用位置数据可靠地计算出其中一些力时变量,但使用位置数据计算力时,测量值的变化通常会更大。



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