首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Solution Chemistry >Thermodynamic Model for ThO2(am) Solubility in Isosaccharinate Solutions

Thermodynamic Model for ThO2(am) Solubility in Isosaccharinate Solutions


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Extensive studies on ThO2(am) solubility were carried out as functions of a wide range of isosaccharinate concentrations (0.0002 to 0.2 mol.kg(-1)) at fixed pH values of about 6 and 12, and varying pH (ranging from 4.5 to 12) at fixed aqueous isosaccharinate concentrations of 0.008 mol.kg(-1) or 0.08 mol.kg(-1), to determine the aqueous complexes of isosaccharinate with Th(IV). The samples were equilibrated over periods ranging up to 69 days, and the data showed that, in most cases, steady-state concentrations were reached in < 15 days. The data were interpreted using the SIT model, and required the inclusion of mixed hydroxy-ISA complexes of Th(IV) [Th(OH)ISA(2+), Th(OH)(3)(ISA)(2)(-), and Th(OH)(4)(ISA)(2)(2-)] with log(10)K(0) = 12.5 +/- 0.5, 4.4 +/- 0.5 and -3.2 +/- 0.5 for the reactions: ThO2(am)+ 3H(+) + ISA(-) reversible arrow Th(OH)ISA(2+) + H2O ThO2(am)+ H+ + 2ISA(-) + H2O reversible arrow Th(OH)(3)(ISA)(2)(-) and ThO2(am)+ 2ISA(-) + 2H(2)O reversible arrow Th(OH)(4)(ISA)(2)(2-) respectively. Predictions based on these Th-ISA complexes agreed closely with the extensive experimental data developed in this study as well as the very limited (only at pH = 8.3) data from liquid-liquid extractions recently reported in the literature.
机译:在固定pH值约为6和12以及不同pH值(从4.5到4.5的范围内)下,对ThO2(am)溶解度进行了广泛的研究,研究结果显示了异糖精盐浓度范围广泛(0.0002至0.2 mol.kg(-1))。 12)在固定浓度为0.008 mol.kg(-1)或0.08 mol.kg(-1)的异糖精水溶液中,测定异糖精与Th(IV)的水络合物。在长达69天的时​​间内对样品进行平衡,数据表明,在大多数情况下,在15天之内即可达到稳态浓度。使用SIT模型解释数据,并要求包括Th(IV)[Th(OH)ISA(2 +),Th(OH)(3)(ISA)(2)(- )和Th(OH)(4)(ISA)(2)(2-)]的log(10)K(0)= 12.5 +/- 0.5、4.4 +/- 0.5和-3.2 +/- 0.5反应:ThO2(am)+ 3H(+)+ ISA(-)可逆箭头Th(OH)ISA(2+)+ H2O ThO2(am)+ H + + 2ISA(-)+ H2O可逆箭头Th(OH)( 3)(ISA)(2)(-)和ThO2(am)+ 2ISA(-)+ 2H(2)O可逆箭头Th(OH)(4)(ISA)(2)(2-)。基于这些Th-ISA配合物的预测与本研究中开发的大量实验数据以及文献中最近报道的来自液-液萃取的非常有限的数据(仅在pH = 8.3时)非常吻合。



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