首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Solution Chemistry >Comment on 'Freezing Point Mixtures of H_2~(16)O with H_2~(17)O and Those of Aqueous CD_3CH_2OH and CH_3~(13)CH_2OH Solutions'

Comment on 'Freezing Point Mixtures of H_2~(16)O with H_2~(17)O and Those of Aqueous CD_3CH_2OH and CH_3~(13)CH_2OH Solutions'

机译:关于“ H_2〜(16)O与H_2〜(17)O以及CD_3CH_2OH和CH_3〜(13)CH_2OH水溶液的凝固点混合物”的评论

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In a recent article,Kiyosawa [J.Solution Chem.33,323 (2004)] reports that the freezing points of isotopic mixtures of ordinary water and ~(17)O enriched water show an unexpectedly large linear dependence on the concentration of H_2~(17)O.Surprisingly,the constant of proportionality to the H_2~(17)O concentration is nearly five times larger than that of H_2~(18)O found in earlier studies by Kiyosawa [J.Solution Chem.20,583 (1991)].We show that the H_2~(17)O result is not consistent with other data or models.For example,a recent determination of the triple point temperature dependence on isotopic composition in naturally and artificially depleted waters [White et al.in Temperature,Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry,Vol.7,D.C.Ripple,Ed.,AlP CP 684,221-226 (2003)] is consistent with the H_2~(18)O and D_2O results from Kiyosawa (1991) [White and Tew in Report of the 22nd Meeting of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry,Document CCT/03-21,BIPM,Severes,France,2003] but is inconsistent with the H_2~(17)O results from Kiyosawa (2004).Additionally,the results from Kiyosawa (1991) are close to what would be found in ideal solutions for those isotopic forms,whereas the H_2~(17)O proportionality from Kiyosawa (2004) is about 10 times larger than similarly predicted.One possible explanation is that the original ~(17)O enriched water sample contained a small amount of D_2O,and the sample,if available,should be subject to isotopic analysis to help resolve these inconsistencies.
机译:Kiisawa在最近的一篇文章中[J.Solution Chem.33,323(2004)]报告说,普通水和〜(17)O富水的同位素混合物的凝固点显示出对H_2〜(17令人惊奇的是,与Hyosawa [J.Solution Chem.20,583(1991)]发现的H_2〜(17)O浓度成正比的常数几乎是H_2〜(18)O的比例常数的五倍。我们证明了H_2〜(17)O的结果与其他数据或模型不一致。例如,最近确定了自然和人工贫乏水域中三点温度对同位素组成的依赖性[White et al。in Temperature,Its科学与工业测量与控制,Vol.7,DCRipple,Ed。,AlP CP 684,221-226(2003)]与Kiyosawa(1991)的H_2〜(18)O和D_2O结果一致[White and Tew in测温咨询委员会第二十二次会议报告,CCT / 03-21,BIPM,法国,严重,2003年],但我s与Kiyosawa(2004)的H_2〜(17)O结果不一致。此外,Kiyosawa(1991)的结果接近于那些同位素形式的理想解,而H_2〜(17)O的比例性来自Kiyosawa(2004)的数据比类似的预测大10倍左右。一种可能的解释是,原始〜(17)O富集水样品中含有少量D_2O,并且该样品(如果有)应进行同位素分析。帮助解决这些不一致问题。



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