首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethnopharmacology: An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Bioscientific Research on Indigenous Drugs >Plasma pharmacokinetics and lung distribution of tetrahydropalmatine after topical application of cold asthma recipe extract: Feishu (BL 13) versus Non-Feishu acupoint

Plasma pharmacokinetics and lung distribution of tetrahydropalmatine after topical application of cold asthma recipe extract: Feishu (BL 13) versus Non-Feishu acupoint

机译:局部应用感冒性哮喘处方提取物后:四氢帕马汀的血浆药代动力学和肺部分布:肺俞(BL 13)与非肺俞穴

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Ethnopharmacological relevance Acupoint application of cold asthma recipe (CAR) was a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) method, widely used as an alternative medicine for clinical prevention of the common winter diseases of asthma and bronchitis. Tetrahydropalmatine (THP) was a main active ingredient of CAR extract. The aim of this study is to compare plasma pharmacokinetics and lung distribution of THP between Feishu (FS) acupoint (BL 13) and Non-Feishu (NFS) acupoint application of CAR extract by ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Materials and methods The extract of CAR was topically administrated in FS and NFS acupoint of rats for plasma pharmacokinetics, and topically administrated in FS and NFS acupoint of mice for lung distribution. The plasma and lung homogenates were pretreated by protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Chromatographic separation was performed on an ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column with a mobile phase consisted of 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid in water. The detection was accomplished by multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) scanning in the positive electrospray ionization (ESI+) mode. All pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated by non-compartmental analysis. Results A sensitive, accurate and precise UPLC-MS/MS method was successfully established for determination of THP in 100 μL plasma and lung homogenate. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) of THP was 0.05 ng/mL and 0.072 ng/mL, respectively. The pharmacokinetic results manifested that THP was absorbed and eliminated slowly in plasma. Additionally, it was found that there was significantly higher amount of THP absorbed into blood and lung after FS acupoint application compared to NFS acupoint application. Conclusions Both of the rat plasma pharmacokinetics and mice lung distribution of THP could support that FS acupoint application of CAR extract has greater advantages of absorption into the blood circulation and distribution in target tissue over NFS acupoint application. The results might be helpful in providing a rational explanation for why the TCM chose the acupoint application and elucidating the underlying mechanism of this treatment.
机译:人体药理学相关性感冒哮喘处方(CAR)的穴位应用是一种中药(TCM)方法,被广泛用作临床预防哮喘和支气管炎的常见冬季疾病的替代药物。四氢巴马汀(THP)是CAR提取物的主要活性成分。这项研究的目的是通过超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS)比较在CARS提取物的肺俞(FS)穴位(BL 13)和非肺俞(NFS)穴位之间THP的血浆药代动力学和肺分布/多发性硬化症)。材料与方法将CAR提取物局部给药于FS和NFS穴位以进行血浆药代动力学,并局部给药于FS和NFS穴位以进行肺分布。血浆和肺匀浆用乙腈进行蛋白沉淀预处理。色谱分离在ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18色谱柱上进行,流动相由0.1%的乙腈甲酸和0.1%的甲酸水溶液组成。通过正电喷雾电离(ESI +)模式下的多反应监测(MRM)扫描完成检测。所有药代动力学参数均通过非房室分析进行估算。结果成功建立了灵敏,准确,精确的UPLC-MS / MS方法,用于测定100μL血浆和肺匀浆中的THP。 THP的定量下限(LLOQ)分别为0.05 ng / mL和0.072 ng / mL。药代动力学结果表明THP在血浆中被缓慢吸收和消除。另外,发现与使用NFS穴位相比,使用FS穴位后,THP吸收到血液和肺中的量明显更高。结论THP的大鼠血浆药代动力学和小鼠肺部分布均可以证明,FS穴位贴敷CAR提取物比NFS穴位贴敷具有更大的吸收进入血液循环和靶组织分布的优势。结果可能有助于提供合理的解释,说明中医为何选择穴位敷贴并阐明这种治疗的潜在机制。



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