首页> 外文期刊>Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery >Elbow joint laxity after experimental radial head excision and lateral collateral ligament rupture: efficacy of prosthetic replacement and ligament repair.

Elbow joint laxity after experimental radial head excision and lateral collateral ligament rupture: efficacy of prosthetic replacement and ligament repair.


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The objectives of this experimental study were to investigate the effect of radial head excision and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) division on elbow joint laxity and to determine the efficacy of radial head prosthetic replacement and LCL repair. Valgus, varus, internal rotation, and external rotation of the ulna were measured during passive flexion-extension and application of a 0.75-Nm torque in 6 intact cadaveric elbows and after (1) either excision of the radial head or division of the LCL, (2) removal of both constraints, (3) isolated radial head prosthetic replacement, (4) isolated LCL repair, and (5) radial head replacement combined with LCL repair. Isolated radial head excision increased varus (mean, 4.8 degrees) and external rotatory laxity (mean, 7.1 degrees), as did isolated LCL division (mean, 14.1 degrees for varus; mean, 14.7 degrees for external rotation). After removal of both constraints, varus and external rotatory laxities were increased by 19.0 degrees and 20.1 degrees, respectively, compared with the intact specimens. Isolated radial head replacement reduced mean varus laxity to 14.6 degrees and mean external rotatory laxity to 14.8 degrees. Isolated LCL repair normalized varus laxity but resulted in a 2.9 degrees increase in external rotatory laxity. The combined procedures restored laxity completely. The radial head is a constraint to varus and external rotation in the elbow joint, functioning by maintaining tension in the LCL. Still, removal of both constraints induces severe laxity, and in this case, prosthetic replacement may substitute for the constraining capacity of the native radial head. The combination of LCL repair and radial head replacement restores laxity completely, but an isolated LCL repair performs almost as well, probably by compensating for the ligamentous tension lost from radial head excision.
机译:本实验研究的目的是研究of骨头切除和外侧副韧带(LCL)分割对肘关节松弛的影响,并确定replacement骨头假体置换和LCL修复的功效。在6个完整的尸体肘关节被动屈伸和施加0.75 Nm扭矩期间以及(1)head骨头切除或LCL切除后,测量尺骨的外翻,内翻,内旋和外旋。 (2)消除这两个约束,(3)radial骨头假体的孤立置换,(4)孤立的LCL修复,以及(5)L骨头置换结合LCL修复。孤立的radial骨头切除术会增加内翻(平均4.8度)和外部旋转松弛(平均7.1度),以及孤立的LCL分割(平均内翻为14.1度;平均值为外旋14.7度)。与完整的标本相比,去除这两个约束后,内翻和外旋松驰度分别增加了19.0度和20.1度。孤立的radial骨头置换术将平均内翻松弛度降低到14.6度,将平均外部旋转松弛度降低到14.8度。孤立的LCL修复使内翻松弛度正常化,但导致外部旋转松弛度增加2.9度。合并的过程完全恢复了松弛。 maintaining骨头是肘关节内翻和外旋的约束,通过维持LCL的张力起作用。仍然,消除这两个约束条件会导致严重的松弛,在这种情况下,假体置换可以替代天然radial骨头的约束能力。 LCL修复和radial骨头置换的结合可以完全恢复松弛,但是孤立的LCL修复几乎可以恢复松弛,这可能是通过补偿因head骨头切除术所失去的韧带张力而实现的。



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