首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Soil Contamination >The influence of organic matter and pH on DDT aqueous solubility

The influence of organic matter and pH on DDT aqueous solubility


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We have studied the concentrations of DDT in ground water samples at field locations with DDT-polluted topsoil and concentrations and solubility in samples prepared from deionized water with different types and concentration of organic acids. The solubility of DDT increased with increasing concentration of humic acid when the pH of the samples was low (adjusted to about 5.5). The effect flutters in the humic acid concentration range from 200 to 300 mg/L, in accordance with humic acid hydrophobicity, operationally measured as liquid surface tension. The findings correspond to trends previously reported in the literature. The trend of increasing solubility was not found using fulvic acid or low-molecular-weight aliphatic acids. No trend was found adding humic acid without adjusting the pH. The mechanism of enhanced solubility due to humic compounds can explain relatively high levels of DDT in ground water. The ground water samples, however, had a moderately high concentration of maximum 6 #mu#g/L compared with a maximum of about 2300 #mu#g/L in the water samples with humic acid in pure water.
机译:我们已经研究了在野外地点被DDT污染的表层土壤中DDT的浓度,以及从具有不同类型和浓度的有机酸的去离子水制备的样品中的浓度和溶解度。当样品的pH值低时(调整到约5.5),DDT的溶解度随腐殖酸浓度的增加而增加。根据腐殖酸的疏水性,该效应在腐殖酸浓度范围为200至300 mg / L范围内波动,可操作地测量为液体表面张力。该发现与先前文献中报道的趋势相对应。使用黄腐酸或低分子量脂族酸未发现增加溶解度的趋势。没有发现在不调节pH的情况下添加腐殖酸的趋势。由于腐殖质化合物而增加的溶解度的机理可以解释地下水中相对较高的滴滴涕含量。然而,与纯水中含有腐殖酸的水样品相比,地下水样品的最高浓度为6#mu#g / L,适度较高,最高浓度为2300#mu#g / L。



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