首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Size-specific survival and fishing mortality estimates for redabalone, Haliotis rufe-scens, using mark-recapture data

Size-specific survival and fishing mortality estimates for redabalone, Haliotis rufe-scens, using mark-recapture data

机译:使用标记捕获数据对鲍鱼(Haliotis rufe-scens)的鲍鱼的大小特定生存率和捕捞死亡率进行估算

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Estimates of size specific natural and fishing mortality are currently not available for red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, in northern California. We examined annual survivorship of three size classes (<100 mm, 100.1 to 178 mm, and >178 mm, the legal fishing limit) of red abalone using capture-mark-recapture data in northern. We estimate fishing mortality comparing fished and reserve sites in northern California. The number of tagged individuals (n = 273 to 2,145), survey occasions (n = 3 to 7), and size composition of individuals (41.5 to 227 mm, maximum shell length, MSL) were variable at each site. The annual survival probabilities of the smallest size class (<100 mm MSL) at one reserve site in northern California was 0.52 y super(-1) plus or minus (0.05 SE) and was 0.36 y super(-) plus or minus (0.07 SE) to 0.51 y super(-1) plus or minus (0.08 SE) in southern California. Annual survival of the mid-size class (100.1 to 178 mm MSL) from four sites at northern California ranged from 0.47 y super(-1) plus or minus (0.05 SE) to 0.71 y super(-1) plus or minus (0.04 SE). The largest size class (>178 mm MSL) had a large range of annual survivorship values of 0.26 y super(-1) plus or minus (0.06 SE) to 0.95 y super(-1) plus or minus (0.08 SE) in fished and reserve sites in northern California. Instantaneous fishing mortality (F) was estimated to be 0.68 to 1.29. This study is an example of how capture-mark-recapture data from fished and reserve sites and the selection of parsimonious models can be used to estimate natural and fishing mortality estimates.
机译:目前尚无加利福尼亚北部的红鲍鱼(Haliotis rufescens)具体大小的自然和捕捞死亡率的估计值。我们使用北部的捕获标记捕获数据,对红鲍鱼的三个大小等级(<100毫米,100.1至178毫米和> 178毫米,合法捕鱼极限)的年生存率进行了检查。我们比较了加利福尼亚北部的捕鱼区和保留区,估计了捕鱼死亡率。标记个体的数量(n = 273至2,145),调查时机(n = 3至7)和个体的大小组成(41.5至227 mm,最大壳长,MSL)在每个位置均不相同。在加利福尼亚北部的一个保护区,最小规模类别(<100 mm MSL)的年生存概率为正负0.52年(-1)(0.05 SE),正负正负0.36年(-)(0.07) SE)到南加州的0.51 y super(-1)正负(0.08 SE)。来自加利福尼亚北部四个地点的中型航空器(100.1至178 mm MSL)的年生存范围为0.47年super(-1)正负(0.05 SE)至0.71y super(-1)正负(0.04 SE)。最大尺寸类别(> 178 mm MSL)在鱼类中具有0.26 y super(-1)正负(0.06 SE)到0.95 y super(-1)正负(0.08 SE)的大范围年度生存值和加利福尼亚北部的保护区。瞬时捕捞死亡率(F)估计为0.68至1.29。这项研究是一个示例,说明了如何从捕鱼和保护区捕获标记-捕获的数据以及选择简约模型来估计自然和捕鱼死亡率估计值。



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