首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Short-term effects of commercial clam (Mya arenaria L.) and worm (Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers) harvesting on survival and growth of juveniles of the soft-shell clam

Short-term effects of commercial clam (Mya arenaria L.) and worm (Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers) harvesting on survival and growth of juveniles of the soft-shell clam

机译:商业性蛤类(Mya arenaria L.)和蠕虫(Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers)收获对软壳蛤类幼鱼存活和生长的短期影响

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In Maine, USA, commercial fisheries for soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria L., and blood worms, Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers, occur simultaneously on muddy intertidal flats. Local and state clam managers frequently close flats to shellfishing for conservation purposes, but have no jurisdiction over wormers who are legally permitted to harvest G. dibranchiata on any intertidal flat. This sometimes causes conflicts, especially when wormers dig in clam conservation areas where clammers have enhanced stockswith wild or cultured "seed" clams (<1 cm shell length. SL). Clammers believe wormers kill or injure small clams directly or indirectly while commercially harvesting G. dibranchiata. To help resolve these long-standing conflicts, we worked collaboratively with clammers and wormers and used an experimental approach to test the short-term interactive effects of clam and worm harvesting, harvesting intensity, time of harvest after seeding, and predator exclusion on the fate of small wild and cultured M. arenaria at an intertidal mud flat in Brunswick, ME. We added 50 cultured juveniles of M. arenaria (SL = 12.5 mm) to 120 l-m~2 plots, 40 of which were undisturbed controls (20 protected with plastic netting--6.4 mm aperture; 20 unprotected) from May to August 1996. The remaining 80 plots were assigned to one of 16 treatments. One half of the plots were protected from predators with the same plastic netting used in the undisturbed control plots. One half of the plots were harvested by a professional wormer or clammer who searched each plot for commercial size blood worms and soft-shell clams, respectively. Plots were harvested either once (after two weeks or four weeks) or twice (two weeks + two weeks, or four weeks + four weeks). Any effect due to clamming or worming on cultured clams or wild individuals of similar size was masked by clam losses exceeding 95 percent in the unprotected control plots. Intense predation by horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus L. and the nemertean worm. Cerebratuhts lacteusLeidy, are blamed for the high mortalities among clams. Only in protected plots was any effect detected and this depended on clam origin. Compared to the fate of cultured clams in protected controls, worming had no effect, but clamming contributed an additional 15 percent loss. Both types of commercial harvesting reduced wild clam numbers significantly Compared to controls, but effects due to worming were more benign than effects due to clamming probably because wormers excavate less volume of sediments than clammers do as commercial size G. dibranchiata are shallow burrowers compared to commercial size M. arenaria. Unless clam managers actively take steps to deter predators by using netting or other means, blood wormers should continue to harvest commercially from areas closed to shellfishing without reprisal or fear that they are causing damage to populations of juvenile soft-shell clams.
机译:在美国缅因州,潮间带同时出现软壳蛤类商品鱼(Mya arenaria L.)和蠕虫(Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers)的商业性渔业。当地和州的蛤managers管理者出于保护目的经常关闭单位进行贝类捕捞,但对合法地在任何潮间带单位上捕捞G. dibranchiata的蠕虫没有管辖权。有时这会引起冲突,特别是当蠕虫虫在蛤类保护区挖掘的地方,在这些地区,蛤类的种群增加了野生或养殖的“种子”蛤(壳长<1 cm,SL)。蛤lam认为,在商业上收获丁香根茎线虫时,蠕虫会直接或间接杀死或伤害小蛤c。为了帮助解决这些长期存在的冲突,我们与蛤mers和蠕虫合作,并采用实验方法测试了蛤和蠕虫收获,收获强度,播种后收获时间以及对天敌的捕食者排斥的短期互动影响缅因州不伦瑞克潮间带泥滩上的小野生和人工养殖的​​沙门氏菌。我们在1996年5月至1996年8月向120 lm〜2样地中添加了50个养殖的沙色疟原虫(SL = 12.5 mm)幼体,其中40个为未受干扰的对照(20个由塑料网保护-6.4 mm孔径; 20个不受保护)。其余的80个地块分配给16种处理方法之一。使用未受干扰的对照地块中使用的塑料网,保护了一半的地块免受掠食者侵害。一半的地块是由专业的驱虫者或蛤lam采集的,他们分别在每个地块中搜索商业规模的蠕虫和软壳蛤。地块收获一次(两周或四周后)或两次(两周+两周,或四周+四周)。在无保护的对照地块中,蛤损失超过95%,掩盖了蛤或蠕虫对养殖的蛤或类似大小的野生个体造成的任何影响。马蹄蟹,poly属和nemertean蠕虫的强烈捕食。 Cerebratuhts lacteusLeidy,被归咎于蛤中的高死亡率。仅在受保护的地块中才能检测到任何影响,这取决于蛤的起源。与受保护的对照组中养殖蛤的命运相比,蠕虫没有影响,但叮咬造成的损失额外增加了15%。与对照相比,这两种类型的商业性捕捞均显着减少了野生蛤的数量,但蠕虫造成的影响要比包囊造成的影响更为温和,这可能是因为与商业规模相比,蠕虫挖掘出的沉积物体积要比蛤mers小得多。 M. arenaria大小。除非蛤管理者通过网或其他手段积极采取措施制止捕食者,否则驱虫者应继续从禁止贝类捕捞的地区进行商业捕捞,而不会受到报复或担心它们会损害幼年软壳蛤种群。



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