首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Comparison of Perkinsus marinus, Perkinsus chesapeaki and Perkinsusolseni infections in eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica)

Comparison of Perkinsus marinus, Perkinsus chesapeaki and Perkinsusolseni infections in eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica)

机译:东部牡蛎(Crassostrea virginica)的Perkinsus marinus,Perkinsus chesapeaki和Perkinsusolseni感染的比较

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Determining the infectivity and pathogenicity of Perkinsus spp. to economically important bivalves can provide valuable information to identify which Perkinsus sp. should be of concern when their geographical ranges overlap and to predict the potential impact of introduced Perkinsus species. The objectives of this study were to compare the infection of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) when challenged with cultured P. marinus, P. chesapeaki or P. olseni, and to determine the associated host defense responses. A control group consisted of oysters that received saline. At the end of the study, parasite numbers as determined by the body burden assay were significantly higher in P. marinus challenged oysters than in the other groups. Parasite numbers in P. chesapeaki and P. olseni challenged oysters, and control oysters were generally low except for a few heavily infected oysters. These heavily infected oysters were likely infected with P. marinus. Detection of P. marinus by PCR in the control group indicating the oysters were likely infected with P. marinus before challenge. Mortality was highest in P. marinus challenged oysters. Little difference in the oyster host defense responses to the three Perkinsus spp. was observed. Oyster tissue lysates from all groups of oysters however inhibited the growth of P. chesapeaki and P. olseni but not the growth of P. marinus which may explain the significantly higher parasite numbers in P. marinus challenged oysters.
机译:确定Perkinsus spp的传染性和致病性。具有重要经济意义的双壳类动物可以提供有价值的信息,以识别哪个Perkinsus sp.。当它们的地理范围重叠并预测引入的Perkinsus物种的潜在影响时,应引起关注。这项研究的目的是比较用培养的体育对虾(P. marinus),切萨皮克犬(P. chesapeaki)或体育对虾(P. olseni)攻击东部牡蛎(Crassostrea virginica)的感染,并确定相关的宿主防御反应。对照组由接受盐水的牡蛎组成。在研究结束时,通过身体负担测定法测定的P. marinus攻击牡蛎的寄生虫数量显着高于其他组。 P. chesapeaki和P. olseni中的寄生虫数量对牡蛎构成挑战,而对照牡蛎除少数受严重感染的牡蛎外一般都较低。这些受严重感染的牡蛎很可能感染了海藻。在对照组中通过PCR检测到海藻,表明牡蛎在攻击前很可能感染了海藻。 P.marinus挑战牡蛎的死亡率最高。牡蛎寄主对三种Perkinsus spp的防御反应差异不大。被观测到。来自所有牡蛎组的牡蛎组织裂解物均抑制切萨皮克犬和olseni的生长,但不抑制海螯虾的生长,这可能解释了受海螯虾攻击的牡蛎中寄生虫数量明显增加。



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