首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Epizoic barnacles act as pathogen reservoirs on shellfish beds.

Epizoic barnacles act as pathogen reservoirs on shellfish beds.


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Bivalve shellfish are well-known vectors for human pathogens. Recent research on commercial shellfish beds has shown that the bacterial reservoir contained within the shellfish flesh in situ is often not representative of the microbial quality of the shellfish at the point of sale. This study investigates whether barnacles living on the surface of mussels represent a potential bacterial reservoir within shellfish beds and assesses their potential as a vector for human pathogen transfer. Barnacle and mussel samples were collected from 3 independent intertidal mussel (Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758) beds and subjected to standard microbiological testing and ecological evaluation. Our results show that coliform concentrations were significantly higher in barnacles than in the corresponding mussels, per unit area, across all surveyed sites. The dominant observed barnacle species was the invasive barnacle Austrominius (Elminius) modestus (Darwin, 1854) which has outcompeted native species in the region and contains increased coliform bacterial concentrations relative to other observed barnacle species. This study concludes that, where present, epizoic barnacles represent a significant reservoir for bacteria within shellfish beds and, therefore, have the capacity to act as vectors for human pathogens. Further work is needed to quantify the subsequent viability/pathogenicity of the epizoic bacterial reservoir after shellfish harvesting and food processing.
机译:双壳类贝类是人类病原体的众所周知的载体。商业贝类床的最新研究表明,贝类肉中原位包含的细菌库在销售点通常不能代表贝类的微生物质量。这项研究调查了生活在贻贝表面的藤壶是否代表贝类床内潜在的细菌库,并评估了它们作为人类病原体转移媒介的潜力。从3个独立的潮间贻贝(Mytilus edulis Linnaeus,1758)床中收集藤壶和贻贝样品,并进行标准的微生物学测试和生态评估。我们的结果表明,在所有调查地点中,单位面积的藤壶中大肠菌的浓度均明显高于相应的贻贝。观察到的主要藤壶物种是入侵性藤壶Austrominius(Elminius)modestus(Darwin,1854),在该地区的竞争优势超过了本地物种,并且相对于其他观察到的藤壶物种,其大肠菌的细菌浓度更高。这项研究得出的结论是,目前的流行藤壶代表了贝类河床中细菌的重要储存库,因此具有充当人类病原体载体的能力。在贝类收获和食品加工后,需要进一步的工作来量化随后的流行性细菌库的生存力/致病性。



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