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The other side of restoration


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The temptative restoration done by the fishermen of shellfish beds (mainly Chamelea gallina) in Northern Adriatic seems to be far from optimization. Traces of uncontrolled restocking operations date back at least to 1990, but it doesn't seem to be decisive for stock enhancement. We have, instead, evidence of overall heavy depletion in stock and low growth rates, so the trade organisation are asking for diminishing the minimum legal size, actually set to 25 mm, till 20 mm, due to lack of legally marketable clams. This is a very old problem in the area and is of course questionable if the lack of response (e.g. to fleet reduction and long closure season) may reflect changes in the whole system or is an effect of gear improvement, bad knowledge of population dynamic, physiology etc. that must be known for implementing restoration programs.
机译:亚得里亚海北部贝类渔场(主要是Chamelea gallina)的渔民进行的诱惑性恢复似乎还远未达到最佳状态。不受控制的补货操作的痕迹至少可以追溯到1990年,但是对于增加库存量似乎并不是决定性的。取而代之的是,我们有证据表明总体上库存严重枯竭且增长率低,因此,由于缺乏合法的蛤c,贸易组织要求将最小合法尺寸(实际上设置为25毫米,减小到20毫米)减小。这是该地区的一个非常老的问题,如果缺乏回应(例如,减少机队和关闭季节长)可能反映出整个系统的变化,或者是设备改进的影响,对人口动态的不良了解,实施恢复程序必须知道的生理等。



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