首页> 外文期刊>Journal of quaternary science: JQS >A tephrochronology for the Lateglacial palynological record of the Endinger Bruch (Vorpommern, north-east Germany)

A tephrochronology for the Lateglacial palynological record of the Endinger Bruch (Vorpommern, north-east Germany)

机译:Endinger Bruch(德国东北,Vorpommern)的晚冰期孢粉史记录

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The tephrostratigraphy of lake sediments in the Endinger Bruch provides the first robust age model for the Lateglacial palynological records of Vorpommern (north-east Germany). Cryptotephra investigations revealed six tephra layers within sediments spanning from Open vegetation phase I (~B?lling, ~15 ka) to the Early Holocene Betula/Pinus forest phase (~Pre-boreal, ~10.5 ka). Four of these layers have been correlated with previously described tephra layers found in sites across Europe. The Laacher See Tephra (Eifel Volcanic Field) is present in very high concentrations within sediments of the Lateglacial Betula (/Pinus) forest phase (~Aller?d). The Vedde Ash (Iceland) lies midway through Open vegetation phase III (~Younger Dryas). The H?sseldalen and the Askja tephras (Iceland) lie in the Early Holocene Betula/Pinus forest phase (~Preboreal). These tephra layers have independently derived age estimates, which have been imported into the Endinger Bruch record. Furthermore, the layers facilitate direct correlation of the regional vegetation record with other palaeoenvironmental archives, which contain one or more of the same tephra layers, from Greenland to Southern Europe. In doing this, localized variations are confirmed in some aspects of the pollen stratigraphy; however, transitions between the main vegetation phases appear to occur synchronously (within centennial errors) with the equivalent environmental transitions observed in sites across the European continent.
机译:Endinger Bruch的湖泊沉积物的地层学为Vorpommern(德国东北部)的晚冰期孢粉学记录提供了第一个可靠的年龄模型。隐头目调查发现,沉积物内的六个红喉草层从开放植被I期(〜Blling,〜15 ka)到早期全新世桦/松林阶段(〜北北方,〜10.5 ka)。这些层中的四个已与先前在欧洲各地发现的提菲拉层相关。 Laacher See Tephra(埃菲尔火山场)以很高的浓度存在于晚冰期桦树(/ Pinus)森林阶段(〜Aller?d)的沉积物中。 Vedde Ash(冰岛)处于开放植被III期(〜Younger Dryas)的中间。 H?sseldalen和Askja tephras(冰岛)处于全新世Betula / Pinus早期森林阶段(〜Preboreal)。这些提夫拉层具有独立得出的年龄估计,这些估计已导入到Endinger Bruch记录中。此外,这些层还促进了区域植被记录与其他古环境档案的直接关联,这些古档案包括一个或多个从格陵兰岛到南欧的相同的特非拉层。通过这样做,在花粉地层学的某些方面证实了局部变化。然而,主要植被阶段之间的过渡似乎是同步发生的(在百年误差之内),与欧洲大陆各地观测到的环境过渡是相同的。



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