
Calculation of dose conversion factors for thoron decay products


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The dose conversion factors for short-lived thoron decay products were calculated using a dosimetric approach. The calculations were based on a computer program LUDEP, which implements the ICRP 66 respiratory tract model. The dose per equilibrium equivalent concentration for thoron (EETC) was calculated with respect to (1) equivalent dose to each region of the lung tissues (bronchial, bronchiolar and alveolar), (2) weighted equivalent dose to organs other than lung, and (3) effective dose. The calculations indicated that (1) the most exposed region of the lung tissues was the bronchial for the unattached fraction and the bronchiolar for the attached fraction, (2) the effective dose is dominated by the contribution of lung dose, and (3) the effective dose per EETC was about four times larger than the effective dose per equilibrium equivalent concentration for radon (EERC). The calculated dose conversion factors were applied to the comparative dosimetry for some thoron-enhanced areas where the EERC and EETC have been measured. In the case of a spa in Japan, the dose from thoron decay products was larger than the dose from radon decay products.
机译:使用剂量学方法计算了短寿命的ron衰变产物的剂量转换因子。计算基于计算机程序LUDEP,该程序实现了ICRP 66呼吸道模型。相对于(1)肺组织(支气管,支气管和肺泡)每个区域的等效剂量,(2)肺以外器官的加权等效剂量和( 3)有效剂量。计算结果表明:(1)肺组织暴露最多的区域是未附着部分的支气管和支气管的附着部分,(2)有效剂量由肺部剂量的贡献决定,并且(3)每个EETC的有效剂量大约是ra的每个平衡当量浓度(EERC)的有效剂量的四倍。将已计算的剂量转换因子应用于已测量EERC和EETC的某些经过thoron增强的区域的比较剂量学。在日本的水疗中心,衰变产物的剂量要比than衰变产物的剂量大。



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