首页> 外文期刊>Journal of radiology nursing >Nursing Journal Clubs: A Strategy for Improving Knowledge Translation and Evidenced-informed Clinical Practice Invited Manuscript for the Journal of Radiology Nursing

Nursing Journal Clubs: A Strategy for Improving Knowledge Translation and Evidenced-informed Clinical Practice Invited Manuscript for the Journal of Radiology Nursing


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Providing the best care for patients requires commitment to competence acquired through continuing professional education. Remaining current has never been more challenging as we are living in a time of unprecedented information growth and availability. A journal club is a meeting of colleagues designed to promote collaborative knowledge construction by critically discussing practice relevant articles appearing in professional journals. Well-designed journal clubs provide an engaging lifelong learning strategy that can accomplish grassroots knowledge translation (KT) by gathering nurses together over a meal and debating the merits and relevance of recent research. This article provides a brief description of the journal club, situates this educational strategy within current KT theory and evidence-based literature, and also provides practical guidelines for starting a nursing journal club.



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