首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: An International Journal Dealing with All Aspects and Applications of Nuclear Chemistry >Introduction of Marinelli effective solid angles for correcting the calibration of NaI(Tl) field gamma-ray spectrometry in TL/OSL dating

Introduction of Marinelli effective solid angles for correcting the calibration of NaI(Tl) field gamma-ray spectrometry in TL/OSL dating

机译:引入Marinelli有效立体角以校正TL / OSL测年中的NaI(Tl)场伽马射线光谱法的校准

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A study is made of the corrections that are needed in the evaluation of the annual radiation dose, for use in TL/OSL-dating, via NaI(Tl) field gamma-ray spectrometry (monitoring of K, Th and U), calibrated via voluminous blocks that are simulating the Auger hole measuring conditions. Two cases are considered: the "Heidelberg" granite calibration block, which was found to be "quasi-infinite", and the "Oxford" concrete calibration blocks, for which "effective" concentrations of elements are reported so as to account for their "non-infiniteness". The calculations, via the software package ANGLE, are based on the concept of effective solid angles for Marinelli geometries.
机译:通过NaI(Tl)场伽玛射线光谱法(监测K,Th和U),通过校准,对用于TL / OSL约会的年度辐射剂量评估所需的校正进行了研究。大量的块正在模拟俄歇孔的测量条件。考虑了两种情况:“ Heidelberg”花岗岩标定块(被发现是“准无限”)和“ Oxford”混凝土标定块,其中报告了“有效”元素的浓度以说明其“非无限”。通过软件包ANGLE进行的计算基于Marinelli几何的有效立体角的概念。


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