
Depth profile study of natural radionuclides in the environment of coastal Kerala


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The present work investigated the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides ~(226)Ra, ~(232)Th and ~(40)K in beach sand samples along coastal Kerala including high background radiation area. The activity of 232Th ranges from below detectable level to 23029.9 Bq kg~(-1) with a mean value of 2660.2 Bq kg~(-1) for 0-10 cm depth interval. For 10-20 cm depth, the ~(232)Th activity ranged from below detectable to 4452.2 Bq kg~(-1) with a mean value of 815.5 Bq kg ~(-1). The variation of ~(226)Ra activity with depth is parallel with the ~(232)Th activity distribution in beach sand. Its activity varied from below detectable to 5169.5 Bq kg~(-1) with a mean value 487.6 Bq kg~(-1) at 0-10 cm depth. For 10-20 cm depth interval, the ~(226)Ra activity ranges from below detectable to 1823.6 Bq kg ~(-1) with a mean value 296.0 Bq kg~(-1). Similarly the activity varies from below detectable to 1826.6 Bq kg~(-1) with a mean value of 211.0 Bq kg-1 for a depth interval of 20-30 cm. The activity of ~(40)K at different depth is also discussed. Statistical analysis of radioactivity was also carried out. The results of these investigations are presented in this paper.
机译:本工作调查了喀拉拉邦沿海包括高背景辐射区的海滩沙样品中天然放射性核素〜(226)Ra,〜(232)Th和〜(40)K的活动浓度。 232Th的活动范围从可检测的水平以下到23029.9 Bq kg〜(-1),0-10 cm深度间隔的平均值为2660.2 Bq kg〜(-1)。对于10-20 cm深度,〜(232)Th活性的范围从可检测的以下到4452.2 Bq kg〜(-1),平均值为815.5 Bq kg〜(-1)。 〜(226)Ra活度随深度的变化与滩砂中〜(232)Th活度的分布平行。其活性从可检测到的下方变化到5169.5 Bq kg〜(-1),在0-10 cm深度处的平均值为487.6 Bq kg〜(-1)。在10-20 cm的深度间隔内,〜(226)Ra活性范围从可检测的以下到1823.6 Bq kg〜(-1),平均值为296.0 Bq kg〜(-1)。同样,在20-30厘米深度范围内,活度从可检测到的下方变化到1826.6 Bq kg-1(-1),平均值为211.0 Bq kg-1。还讨论了〜(40)K在不同深度的活动。还对放射性进行了统计分析。这些调查的结果将在本文中介绍。



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