首页> 外文期刊>Journal of renal nutrition: the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation >Determinants of plasma total homocysteine levels in Korean chronic renal transplant recipients.

Determinants of plasma total homocysteine levels in Korean chronic renal transplant recipients.


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OBJECTIVE: Study the determinants of plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) levels, such as fasting levels of serum creatinine (SCr), albumin, plasma tHcy, folate, B(12), and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) in chronic Korean renal transplant recipients (RTR). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Nephrology & Transplant Service in Catholic University Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, Seoul, Korea. PARTICIPANTS: Ninety-one chronic Korean RTR with stable renal function who were > or =6 months post-transplant. MEASURES: Used medical record review and anthropometric measurements, and overnight (10 to 14 hours) fasting blood samples were measured for plasma tHcy, PLP, folate, B(12), SCr, and albumin. RESULTS: The prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia (tHcy > 12 micromol/L) was 56%, and 47% had low plasma folate levels (<3 ng/mL). Linear modeling with analysis of covariance adjusted for age, sex, albumin, SCr, and plasma B-vitamin status revealed that only SCr (standard regression coefficient R = +0.663, P<.001), plasma folate (R = -0.276, P =.001), and B(12) (R = -0.149, marginal, P =.08) were independent determinants of fasting tHcy levels in this patient population. CONCLUSION: Renal function is the major independent determinant of the fasting tHcy levels among chronic, stable Korean RTR, and that B-vitamin status plays a secondary role among such patients. Copyright 2000 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
机译:目的:研究慢性韩国人血浆总同型半胱氨酸(tHcy)水平的决定因素,例如血清肌酐(SCr),白蛋白,血浆tHcy,叶酸,B(12)和吡ido醛-5'-磷酸盐(PLP)的空腹水平肾移植受者(RTR)。设计:横断面研究。地点:韩国首尔天主教大学康南圣玛丽医院的肾脏科和移植服务。参与者:≥肾移植后≥6个月的肾功能稳定的91例慢性韩国RTR。措施:使用病历审查和人体测量学,并在过夜(10至14小时)的空腹血样中测定血浆tHcy,PLP,叶酸,B(12),SCr和白蛋白。结果:高同型半胱氨酸血症(tHcy> 12 micromol / L)的患病率为56%,血浆叶酸水平较低(<3 ng / mL)的患病率为47%。对年龄,性别,白蛋白,SCr和血浆B-维生素状态进行协方差分析的线性模型表明,只有SCr(标准回归系数R = + 0.663,P <.001),血浆叶酸(R = -0.276,P) = .001)和B(12)(R = -0.149,边缘,P = .08)是该患者人群中空腹tHcy水平的独立决定因素。结论:肾功能是长期,稳定的韩国RTR中空腹tHcy水平的主要独立决定因素,而B型维生素在这些患者中起次要作用。国家肾脏基金会版权所有2000。



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