首页> 外文期刊>Journal of poetry therapy >Healing traditions in Blaek women's writing: Resources for poetry therapy

Healing traditions in Blaek women's writing: Resources for poetry therapy


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"Healing Traditions" identifies 54 Black women writers whose memoirs, poetry, and song lyrics provide resources for mental health practice in general and bibliotherapy in particular. Evans locates issues relevant to Black women's perspectives, highlights themes found in leading artists' work, and offers an in-depth poetry curriculum for creative approaches to empowerment. In this article, readers find three extensive lists of culturally relevant resources and learn keywords in memoirs, poems, and songs. Writers presented-named "Revolutionary Petunias" after Alice Walker's poem-are a diverse group, including Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf (President of Liberia), Jan Willis (Buddhist religion professor), Stacy Ann Chin (Chinese-Jamaican poet), Nina Simone (legendary songstress), and Mary J. Blige (songwriter of complex emotion). After an overview of resources, Evans then provides case studies of five Southern Black women poets and recommends 25 poems that address "hurt, healing, and hope." She suggests how close readings of work by five poets (Margaret Walker, Maya Angelou, Sonia Sanchez, Nikki Giovanni, and Alice Walker) can help mentors and practitioners identify restorative themes during individual and group writing sessions. Evans defines balance as a "harmony between forces" and identifies equilibrium as a cornerstone issue in Black women's lives. In sum, Evans reflects on her personal journey as a survivor of sexual violence and how a decade of teaching race and gender culminated in development of a curriculum of creative nonfiction for healing through poetry.
机译:“治疗传统”确定了54位黑人女性作家,她们的回忆录,诗歌和歌曲歌词为一般的心理健康实践(尤其是书目治疗)提供了资源。埃文斯(Evans)找到了与黑人女性观点有关的问题,着重介绍了领先艺术家作品中发现的主题,并提供了深入的诗歌课程,以创新的方式赋予权力。在本文中,读者可以找到三个与文化相关的资源的详尽列表,并学习回忆录,诗歌和歌曲中的关键字。爱丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)的诗集之后的作家被称为“革命性的牵牛花”,包括艾伦·约翰逊·瑟里夫(Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf,利比里亚总统),扬·威利斯(Jan Willis)(佛教宗教教授),史黛西·安钦(Stacy Ann Chin)(中美诗人),尼娜·西蒙(Nina Simone,传奇的女歌手)和Mary J. Blige(复杂情感的作曲家)。在对资源进行概述之后,埃文斯随后提供了五位南部黑人女诗人的案例研究,并推荐了25篇诗作,讲述“伤痛,康复和希望”。她建议五位诗人(玛格丽特·沃克,玛雅·安杰卢,索尼亚·桑切斯,妮基·乔瓦尼和爱丽丝·沃克)仔细阅读作品如何帮助导师和从业者在个人和小组写作会议中确定恢复性的主题。埃文斯将平衡定义为“力量之间的和谐”,并将平衡视为黑人女性生活中的基石。总而言之,埃文斯反思了自己作为性暴力幸存者的个人历程,以及十年的种族教学和性别教学如何发展出创造性的非小说类课程以通过诗歌进行治疗的结果。



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