首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Paleontology >Ediacaran biota on Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada

Ediacaran biota on Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada


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Newly found fossils in the Conception and St. John's groups of the Bonavista Peninsula considerably extend the known geographic distribution of the Ediacaran fossils in Newfoundland. They occur in deepwater sediments and are preserved as epireliefs, forming census populations underneath volcanic ash layers throughout a more than 1 km thick turbiditic sequence. The exposed fossiliferous units comprise the Mistaken Point, Trepassey, Fermeuse, and Renews Head formations. The remains are tectonically deformed, with long axes of elliptical discs aligned parallel to cleavage strike; shortening of originally circular bedding surface features is on the order of 30-50% (averaging similar to 35%). The assemblage includes Aspidella, Blackbrookia, Bradgatia, Charnia, Charniodiscus, Fractofusus, Hiemalora, and Ivesheadia. These occur throughout the succession, with Aspidella being the most common genus, followed by Charnia and Charniodiscus. Four new taxa are described, with candelabra-like fossils with a Hiemalora-like base referred to Primocandelabruin hiemaloranum n. gen. and sp., bush-like fossils to Parviscopa bonavistensis n. gen. and sp., ladder-like fossils to Hadryniscala avalonica n. gen. and sp., and string-like fossils with basal disc to Hadrynichorde catalinensis n. gen. and sp. The remains also include dubiofossils. The stratigraphic ranges of some taxa on the Bonavista Peninsula are longer than previously reported from the Avalon Peninsula, with Fractofusus spindles present in the Trepassey Formation, Bradgatia, Chamia, Charniodiscus, and Ivesheadia reaching as high as the Fermeuse Formation, and Aspidella extending into the middle of, the Renews Head Formation. The spindles in the Trepassey Formation are comparable to those found mainly in the stratigraphically older Briscal Formation on the Avalon Peninsula.
机译:Bonavista半岛的Conception和St. John's组中新发现的化石大大扩展了纽芬兰Ediacaran化石的已知地理分布。它们发生在深水沉积物中,并作为浮雕保存,在超过1公里厚的湍流序列中形成火山灰层下方的人口普查种群。裸露的化石单元包括错误点,特雷帕西,费米兹和更新头地层。残骸发生了构造变形,椭圆形圆盘的长轴与劈裂走向平行。原始圆形床上用品表面特征的缩短约为30-50%(平均接近35%)。该组合包括Aspidella,Blackbrookia,Bradgatia,Charnia,Charniodiscus,Fractofusus,Hiemalora和Ivesheadia。这些发生在整个演替过程中,其中Aspidella是最常见的属,其次是Charnia和Charniodiscus。描述了四个新的分类单元,其烛台状化石具有类似于Hiemalora的碱基,称为Primocandelabruin hiemaloranum n。 gen。和sp。,Parviscopa bonavistensis n的灌木状化石。 gen。和sp。,到Hadryniscala avalonica n。的阶梯状化石。 gen。和sp。,以及带基盘的线状化石到加德满都的哈得尼克族。 gen。和sp。遗骸还包括dubiofossils。 Bonavista半岛的某些分类单元的地层范围比以前从Avalon半岛报告的要长,在Trepassey组,Bradgatia,Chamia,Charniodiscus和Ivesheadia中存在的Fractofusus纺锤形达到Fermeuse组的高度,而Aspidella延伸到中间,更新头形成。 Trepassey组的纺锤与主要在阿瓦隆半岛地层较老的Briscal组中的纺锤可比。



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