首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Leaching the poison - the importance of process and partnership in working with Yolngu. (Special Issue: De-centring White ruralities: ethnicity and indigeneity.)

Leaching the poison - the importance of process and partnership in working with Yolngu. (Special Issue: De-centring White ruralities: ethnicity and indigeneity.)

机译:释放毒药-与Yolngu合作的过程和伙伴关系的重要性。 (特刊:分散白人农村的权利:种族和土著。)

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The popular construction of rural places as 'white' spaces has significant repercussions for ethnic, Indigenous and 'other' groups who do not always fit within prescribed dominant processes. This paper provides new insights for rural scholarship through an engagement with Indigenous specific experiences of governance and decision making in rural and remote areas. Drawing on powerful Yolngu metaphors from northeast Arnhem Land, Australia, it makes Yolngu law and perspectives visible. Like the cycad nut that has poison within its flesh, so have government impositions on Indigenous people in remote areas. This paper is written to leach the poison out, to let it be cleansed.
机译:农村地区普遍被建设为“白色”空间,这对于不总是符合规定的主导程序的种族,土著和“其他”群体具有重大影响。本文通过与农村和偏远地区的治理和决策的土著特定经验的接触,为农村奖学金提供了新的见解。借鉴澳大利亚东北部阿纳姆地(Arnhem Land)强大的Yolngu隐喻,使Yolngu法律和观点清晰可见。就像苏铁坚果的肉中有毒一样,政府对偏远地区的土著人的强制性规定也是如此。写这篇论文是为了过滤掉毒药,让它被清洗。



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