首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >AIDS-affected young people's access to livelihood assets: Exploring 'new variant famine' in rural southern Africa

AIDS-affected young people's access to livelihood assets: Exploring 'new variant famine' in rural southern Africa


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The 'new variant famine' hypothesis suggests AIDS is contributing to food insecurity in southern Africa. Proposed causal mechanisms include a loss of livelihood assets and skills, brought about through AIDS' impacts on children's access to inherited property and intergenerationally-transferred knowledge. This paper employs a sustainable livelihoods framework to examine how AIDS is impacting on young people's access to assets and skills in two southern African countries: Malawi and Lesotho. Drawing on qualitative research with rural youth, the paper shows that AIDS affects some young people's access to some livelihood assets, but does not do so in a systematic or predictable way, nor are its impacts invariably negative. The broader cultural and institutional context is of key importance. The paper also demonstrates the need for the sustainable livelihoods framework to take greater account of the temporalities of livelihoods, and in particular the significance of lifecourse and generation. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
机译:“新的饥荒”假说表明,艾滋病正在加剧南部非洲的粮食不安全状况。拟议的因果机制包括生计资产和技能的丧失,这是由于艾滋病对儿童获取遗传资产和代际转移知识的影响所致。本文采用了可持续的生计框架,以研究艾滋病如何影响两个南部非洲国家(马拉维和莱索托)的年轻人获得资产和技能的机会。通过对农村青年的定性研究,该论文表明,艾滋病影响一些年轻人获得某些生计资产的途径,但不是以系统或可预测的方式进行,也不是必然产生负面影响。更广泛的文化和制度背景至关重要。本文还表明,可持续生计框架需要更多地考虑生计的时间性,特别是生命历程和世代的重要性。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发行。这是CC BY许可下的开放访问文章。



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