首页> 外文期刊>Journal of research >Association and Path Studies for Seed Cotton Yield and Lint Quality Characters in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Association and Path Studies for Seed Cotton Yield and Lint Quality Characters in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)


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Twenty nine upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.) genotypes were studied to work out correlation and path coefficients for sixteen characters. The association analysis revealed that due to significant and positive association of seed cotton yield~(-1) with the traits viz., plant height, number of sympodia as well as number of monopodia plant~(-1), seed weight boll~(-1), lint index, seed index and boll weight, selection would be worthwhile for these traits. Selection for lint weight boll~(-1) can also be effective as it exhibited a positive association with lint index and boll weight, which were positively associated with seed cotton yield plant~(-1). The path analysis indicates that direct selection can be preferred for days to 50 per cent flowering, plantheight and number of sympodia plant~(-1).
机译:研究了29个陆地棉(G. hirsutum L.)基因型,以计算出16个性状的相关性和路径系数。关联分析表明,由于籽棉产量〜(-1)与株高,株高,足足数量和单足足植物数量(-1),种子重铃的显着正相关。 -1),皮棉指数,种子指数和铃重,选择这些性状是值得的。选择皮棉重量棉铃〜(-1)也是有效的,因为它与皮棉指数和棉铃重量呈正相关,而皮棉指数和棉铃重量与籽棉产量植物〜(-1)正相关。路径分析表明,直接选择对于开花,株高和拟南芥数量〜(-1)为50%的天数较为理想。



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