首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psycholinguistic research >Distressed mothers and their infants use a less efficient timing mechanism in creating expectancies of each other's looking patterns

Distressed mothers and their infants use a less efficient timing mechanism in creating expectancies of each other's looking patterns


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The prediction of events and the creation of expectancies about their time course is a crucial aspect of an infant's mental life, but temporal mechanisms underlying these predictions are obscure. Scalar timing, in which the ratio of mean durations to their standard deviations is held constant, enables a person to use an estimate of the mean for its standard deviation. It is one efficient mechanism that may facilitate predictability and the creation of expectancies in mother-infant interaction. We illustrate this mechanism with the dyadic gaze rhythm of mother and infant looking at and looking away from each other's faces. Two groups of Hi- and Lo-Distress mothers were created using self-reported depression, anxiety, self-criticism and childhood experiences. Lo-Distress infants (controls) used scalar timing 100% of the time, about double that of Hi-Distress infants. Lo-Distress mothers used scalar timing about nine times as much as Hi-Distress mothers. The diminished use of scalar timing patterns in Hi-Distress mothers and infants may make the anticipation of each other's gaze patterns more difficult for both partners.
机译:对事件的预测以及对事件发生时间的期望的建立是婴儿心理生活的关键方面,但是这些预测所依据的时间机制是模糊的。标量计时可以将平均持续时间与其标准偏差之比保持恒定,从而使人们可以将平均值的估计值用于其标准偏差。这是一种有效的机制,可以促进母婴互动中的可预测性和期望的建立。我们用母亲和婴儿看着对方视线并远离对方脸部的双眼凝视节奏来说明这种机制。利用自我报告的抑郁,焦虑,自我批评和童年经历,创建了两组高危和低危母亲。低危婴儿(对照)使用标量计时的时间为100%,约为高危婴儿的两倍。 Lo-Distress母亲使用的标量计时大约是Hi-Distress母亲的九倍。 Hi-Distress母亲和婴儿中标量时序模式的使用减少可能会使双方对彼此注视模式的预期更加困难。



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