首页> 外文期刊>Journal of public health management and practice: JPHMP >A comparison of breastfeeding rates in an urban birth cohort among women delivering infants at hospitals that employ and do not employ lactation consultants.

A comparison of breastfeeding rates in an urban birth cohort among women delivering infants at hospitals that employ and do not employ lactation consultants.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare rates of breastfeeding at hospital discharge between facilities that employ and do not employ International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). METHODS: This study used a cross-sectional design. Data from 11,525 birth certificates of Philadelphia residents who delivered in 2003 were used. Breastfeeding was assessed using a question included on the Pennsylvania birth record, "Is the infant being breastfed at discharge?" The Philadelphia Department of Public Health's lactation consultants collected information on number of hours worked annually by IBCLCs by facility. RESULTS: After adjusting for race/ethnicity, education, insurance status, age, marital status, route of delivery, birth weight, and gestational age, delivering in a hospital that employed an IBCLC was associated with a 2.28 (95% confidence interval [CI] =1.98,2.62) times increase in the odds of breastfeeding at hospital discharge. Among women receiving Medicaid, delivering at a hospital that employed IBCLCs was associated with a 4.13 (95% CI =3.22,4.80) times increase in the odds of breastfeeding at hospital discharge. CONCLUSIONS: The findings presented here identify an association between delivering at a facility that employs IBCLCs and breastfeeding at hospital discharge. As the strength of this association is not negligible, particularly for women on Medicaid, these findings may be used to encourage widespread use of IBCLCs.
机译:目的:比较雇用和不雇用国际理事会认证哺乳顾问(IBCLC)的机构之间在出院时的母乳喂养率。方法:本研究采用横断面设计。使用了2003年交付的11,525位费城居民的出生证明的数据。母乳喂养的评估使用了宾夕法尼亚州出生记录中包含的一个问题,即“出院时是否进行母乳喂养?”费城公共卫生部的泌乳顾问收集了IBCLC每年按设施工作的小时数信息。结果:在对种族/族裔,教育程度,保险状况,年龄,婚姻状况,分娩途径,出生体重和胎龄进行调整后,在使用IBCLC的医院中分娩与2.28(95%置信区间[CI ]出院时母乳喂养的几率增加了1.98,2.62)倍。在接受医疗补助的妇女中,在有IBCLC的医院分娩与出院时母乳喂养的几率增加了4.13倍(95%CI = 3.22,4.80)。结论:此处提出的发现确定了在使用IBCLC的设施中分娩与出院时母乳喂养之间的关联。由于这种联系的强度不可忽略,特别是对于采用医疗补助的妇女,因此这些发现可用于鼓励广泛使用IBCLC。



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