首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoactive drugs >Yopo, ethnicity and social change: a comparative analysis of Piaroa and Cuiva yopo uset.

Yopo, ethnicity and social change: a comparative analysis of Piaroa and Cuiva yopo uset.

机译:优步,种族与社会变迁:对Piaroa和Cuiva yopo的使用进行比较分析。

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Most Orinocoan ethnic groups, including the Cuiva and the Piaroa, use yopo, a hallucinogenic snuff derived from the seeds of the Anadenanthera peregrina tree. This study contrasts Piaroa and Cuiva attitudes toward and uses of yopo in light of ongoing processes of social change. We do not believe that these sociocultural forces will lead to a phasing out of yopo in Piaroa and Cuiva life. However, we demonstrate how, in nearby communities, a combination of historical and ethical contingencies lead to very different patterns and understanding of drug use. Yopo is strongly associated with the performance of narratives central to each ethnic group's cosmology and identity. Cuiva yopo consumption is also a means of resisting persecution and asserting the right to a just reality. Piaroa attitudes towards yopo are affected by the interplay of shamanic ethical principles and missionary activity, and are sometimes paradoxical: yopo is the reason for harm and the means of salvation; required by shamans to create the future and yet regarded by many laypeople as a relic of the past. We identify persecution, local responses to missionary activity, and shamanic ethics as key factors affecting the evolution of hallucinogen use by Amazonian ethnic groups.
机译:包括库瓦(Cuiva)和皮亚罗(Piaroa)在内的大多数奥里诺加人族群都使用yopo(一种致幻的鼻烟),源于Anadenanthera peregrina树的种子。这项研究根据社会变革的持续过程,对比了Piaroa和Cuiva对yopo的态度和用途。我们认为,这些社会文化力量不会导致逐步淘汰Piaroa和Cuiva生活中的幼体。但是,我们证明了在附近社区,历史和道德突发事件的结合如何导致对毒品使用的方式和理解截然不同。 Yopo与每个族群的宇宙学和身份中心的叙事表现密切相关。 Cuiva yopo消费也是抵制迫害和维护正义权的一种手段。萨洛亚人对瑜伽的态度受萨满教伦理原则和传教活动的相互作用的影响,有时是自相矛盾的:瑜伽是伤害的原因和救赎的手段;萨满祭司要求他们创造未来,但被许多外行人视为过去的遗物。我们确定迫害,对传教活动的局部回应以及萨满教义是影响亚马逊族裔致幻剂使用演变的关键因素。



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