首页> 外文期刊>Journal of public health >Measles outbreak in Qassim, Saudi Arabia 2007: epidemiology and evaluation of outbreak response.

Measles outbreak in Qassim, Saudi Arabia 2007: epidemiology and evaluation of outbreak response.


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BACKGROUND: Worldwide efforts for measles elimination are made possible due to the availability of a highly effective measles vaccine. In spite of highly vaccinated population, a measles outbreak occurred in Qassim province of Saudi Arabia, during January-August 2007. METHODS: An outbreak investigation was conducted to describe the epidemiology of outbreak. An audit of performance of control measures taken by the Primary Health Care team was done according to World Health Organization standards. RESULTS: Of 230 cases reported, more than one-third (37.8%) patients were 0-4 years of age. Children aged 6-11 months accounted for 51.7% cases amongst 0-4 years age group. The performance indicator targets of >or=80% for outbreak control measures were achieved regarding investigation of cases within 48 hours, and blood sample extraction within the optimal period. However, 66.8% cases reported within 48 hours of rash onset and only 16.4% of laboratory test results were received within 7 days of receipt of the specimen in laboratory. CONCLUSION: This outbreak demonstrates the increased susceptibility of unvaccinated children aged 6-11 months. To prevent future outbreaks, community awareness, review of measles vaccination schedule, enhanced surveillance and measles 'catch-up' mass immunization campaign to interrupt chains of transmission, are required.
机译:背景:由于可获得高效的麻疹疫苗,因此全球范围内消除麻疹的努力成为可能。尽管接种疫苗的人群很高,但在2007年1月至8月期间,沙特阿拉伯的卡西姆省发生了麻疹暴发。方法:进行了一次暴发调查以描述暴发的流行病学。初级卫生保健小组根据世界卫生组织的标准对控制措施的绩效进行了审核。结果:在报告的230例患者中,超过三分之一(37.8%)的患者为0-4岁。 6至11个月大的儿童占0-4岁年龄组的51.7%。对于48小时内的病例调查和最佳时期内的血样提取,已经达到了针对爆发控制措施的> 80%的性能指标目标。但是,在皮疹发作后48小时内报告了66.8%的病例,在实验室收到标本后7天内仅收到了实验室测试结果的16.4%。结论:该暴发表明6-11个月大的未接种疫苗的儿童易感性增加。为了防止将来爆发,需要社区意识,对麻疹疫苗接种时间表进行审查,加强监视并进行麻疹“追赶”大规模免疫运动以中断传播链。



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