首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychiatric research >Can pupil size and pupil responses during visual scanning contribute to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children?

Can pupil size and pupil responses during visual scanning contribute to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children?


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether baseline pupil size and pupil responses during visual scanning with eye-tracking technology could discriminate children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from mental age-matched and chronological age-matched controls. To this end, we used stimuli consisting in still color photographs presented centrally to the participant's midline on a stimulus monitor. Each child was presented with a series of neutral faces, virtual faces (avatars) and different objects, separated by black slides. We recorded the mean pupil size and pupil size changes over time in each of the three categories of stimuli and during exposure to the black slides. Fifty-seven children participated in study (19 ASD, mean age 118 months; 19 mental age-matched controls, mean age 87 months; and 19 chronological age-matched controls, mean age 118 months). We compared the baseline pupil size and pupil responses during visual scanning among the three diagnostic groups. During the presentation of slides, the mean pupil size in the ASD group was clearly smaller than in the MA-matched and CA-matched groups. Discriminate analysis of pupil size during the presentation of black slides and slides with visual stimuli successfully predicted group membership in 72% of the participants. Group membership was correctly classified in 89% of the participants in the ASD group, in 63% in the MA-matched group and in 63% in the CA-matched group. These potential biomarkers may contribute to our understanding of the differences in neurological development in the brain in autism and could prove useful as indicators of ASD.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定在使用眼动追踪技术进行视觉扫描时,基线瞳孔大小和瞳孔反应是否能将自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的儿童与年龄匹配的儿童和年龄相匹配的儿童区分开。为此,我们使用了由静止彩色照片组成的刺激,这些照片在刺激监视器上集中显示给参与者的中线。每个孩子都被展示了一系列中性的面孔,虚拟面孔(化身)和不同的物体,并用黑色幻灯片隔开。我们记录了三种类别的刺激中每一种的平均瞳孔大小和瞳孔大小随时间的变化以及在暴露于黑色玻片期间的变化。五十七名儿童参加了研究(19名自闭症患者,平均年龄118个月; 19名年龄与年龄相匹配的对照,平均年龄87个月;以及19位年龄与年龄相匹配的对照,平均年龄118个月)。我们比较了三个诊断组之间的基线瞳孔大小和视觉扫描过程中的瞳孔反应。在演示幻灯片期间,ASD组的平均瞳孔大小明显小于MA匹配和CA匹配组的平均瞳孔大小。在演示黑色幻灯片和带有视觉刺激的幻灯片过程中对学生大小的区分分析成功地预测了72%的参与者的组成员身份。在ASD组中89%的参与者,在MA匹配组中的63%和在CA匹配组中的63%的参与者中,组成员身份正确分类。这些潜在的生物标志物可能有助于我们了解自闭症大脑中神经系统发育的差异,并可能被证明可作为ASD的指标。



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