首页> 外文期刊>Journal of public health >Counteracting brain drain of health professionals from rural areas via teleconsultation: Analysis of the barriers and success factors of teleconsultation

Counteracting brain drain of health professionals from rural areas via teleconsultation: Analysis of the barriers and success factors of teleconsultation


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Aim: Winning young health professionals for rural areas is a very important challenge against the background of many retiring physicians in the coming decade and a growing unattractiveness of rural areas for future medical professionals. Through teleconsultation, a bridge can be provided between the single physician in the single practice in terms of professional exchange and second opinions. Teleconsultations between GPs and specialists are already in use in other countries (Lamminen et al. J Telemed Telecare 17(8):412-416, 2011; Nordal et al. J Telemed Telecare 7:257-265, 2001) but are not wide spread in Germany. The aim of this investigation is to identify the barriers and success factors for a teleconsultation solution in rural areas of northern Germany. Subject and methods: A qualitative interview study was conducted among 18 experts from the Schleswig-Holstein health care system using a semi-structured interview guide. Seven representatives of health care institutions, six GPs, and five young health professionals were interviewed and the interviews systematically analysed according to predefined categories. Results: The results of this study show that the primary barriers preventing the adoption of teleconsultation are the high time-consumption, the physicians' personality, and the financing possibilities of such solutions. The main factors of a successful adoption of teleconsultation include an easy usability of the system, good training opportunities, voluntary participation, the existence of a model region, and a reasonable financing plan. Conclusion: A consideration of the results when setting up a teleconsultation solution provides a basis for a working teleconsultation system in rural areas that can help attract more physicians to those regions.
机译:目的:在未来十年内,许多退休的医生以及农村地区对未来医疗专业人员的吸引力越来越低的背景下,要想赢得农村地区的年轻卫生专业人员是一项非常重要的挑战。通过远程会诊,可以在单一执业医师之间就专业交流和第二意见提供桥梁。 GP和专家之间的远程咨询已在其他国家/地区使用(Lamminen等人,J Telemed Telecare 17(8):412-416,2011; Nortal等人,J Telemed Telecare 7:257-265,2001),但范围不广在德国传播。这项调查的目的是确定在德国北部农村地区进行远程会诊解决方案的障碍和成功因素。主题和方法:使用半结构化访谈指南,对来自石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因卫生保健系统的18位专家进行了定性访谈研究。采访了卫生保健机构的七名代表,六名全科医生和五名年轻的卫生专业人员,并根据预定义的类别对访谈进行了系统的分析。结果:这项研究的结果表明,阻碍采用远程会诊的主要障碍是高时间消耗,医师个性以及此类解决方案的融资可能性。成功采用远程会诊的主要因素包括系统的易用性,良好的培训机会,自愿参与,存在示范区域以及合理的融资计划。结论:在设置远程咨询解决方案时对结果的考虑为农村地区有效的远程咨询系统奠定了基础,该系统可以帮助吸引更多的医生前往这些地区。



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