首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology >Multiplex PCR for direct identification of thermophilic Campylobacter, C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari and C. upsaliensis and simultaneous detection of cdtB gene.

Multiplex PCR for direct identification of thermophilic Campylobacter, C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari and C. upsaliensis and simultaneous detection of cdtB gene.


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A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay has been developed for the identification of the four thermophilic Campylobacter commonly associated with human gastroenteritis including C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari and C. upsaliensis. The best combination of primers and the annealing temperature of multiplex PCR were examined. Detection limit was 2 x 105 cfu and 100 ng of DNA or whole-cell suspension. The multiplex PCR was applied for the direct detection and differentiation of Campylobacter species in 33 human and 45 chicken caeca isolates. Of the 78 specimens evaluated by the multiplex PCR, 55 (70.5%) were identified as C. jejuni, 18 (23.0%) as C. coli and 5 (6.41%) as a mixed infection with both species. Comparison of hippurate test and multiplex PCR demonstrated five (6.41%) isolates with false-positive hippurate enzymic activity and three (3.85%) with false-negative activity. cdtB gene was detected in 100% and 38.9% of C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively. This multiplex PCR was found to be rapid, easy to perform and had a high sensitivity and specificity, even with mixed cultures. The system is useful for the detection of the presence of cdtB gene that is responsible for toxin activity in Campylobacter. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. Our multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allows in a single tube PCR, the identification of the four clinically important Campylobacter species, with a simultaneous detection of the cdtB gene. The PCR works well in our hands with both purified genomic DNA and whole-cell suspension. This should greatly speed up identification by replacing the current biochemical phenotypic schemes. In addition, the system can detect the presence of cdtB gene that encodes the cytolethal-distending toxin activity. Journal Compilation
机译:已开发出一种多重聚合酶链反应(PCR)测定法,用于鉴定通常与人胃肠炎有关的四种嗜热弯曲杆菌,包括空肠弯曲菌,大肠杆菌,拉里弯曲菌和upsaliensis。检查了引物的最佳组合和多重PCR的退火温度。检测限为2 x 105 cfu和100 ng DNA或全细胞悬液。多重PCR用于直接检测和区分33个人和45只鸡盲肠分离物中的弯曲杆菌属。通过多重PCR评估的78个标本中,有55个(70.5%)被鉴定为空肠弯曲杆菌,18个(23.0%)被鉴定为大肠杆菌,5个(6.41%)被鉴定为两种细菌的​​混合感染。马尿酸盐测试和多重PCR的比较表明,五种(6.41%)分离物具有假阳性马尿酸酶活性,三种(3.85%)具有假阴性活性。在空肠弯曲杆菌和大肠弯曲杆菌中分别检测到cdtB基因,占100%和38.9%。发现即使使用混合培养,该多重PCR也快速,易于实施并且具有高灵敏度和特异性。该系统可用于检测弯曲杆菌中负责毒素活性的cdtB基因的存在。实际应用。我们的多重聚合酶链反应(PCR)可在单管PCR中鉴定出四个临床上重要的弯曲杆菌属,同时检测cdtB基因。使用纯化的基因组DNA和全细胞悬浮液,PCR可以很好地发挥作用。通过替换当前的生化表型方案,这将大大加快鉴定的速度。另外,该系统可以检测编码细胞致死性毒素活性的cdtB基因的存在。期刊编辑



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