首页> 外文期刊>Journal of proteomics >CanisOme - The protein signatures of Canis lupus familiaris diseases

CanisOme - The protein signatures of Canis lupus familiaris diseases


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Although the applications of Proteomics in Human Biomedicine have been explored for some time now, in animal and veterinary research, the potential of this resource has just started to be explored, especially when companion animal health is considered. In the last years, knowledge on the Canis lupus familiaris proteome has been accumulating in the literature and a resource compiling all this information and critically reviewing it was lacking. This article presents such a resource for the first time. CanisOme is a database of all proteins identified in Canis lupus familiaris tissues, either in health or in disease, annotated with information on the proteins present on the sample and on the donors. This database reunites information on 549 proteins, associated with 63 dog diseases and 33 dog breeds. Examples of how this information may be used to produce new hypothesis on disease mechanisms is presented both through the functional analysis of the proteins quantified in canine cutaneous mast cell tumors and through the study of the interactome of C. lupus familiaris and Leishmania infantum. Therefore, the usefulness of CanisOme for researchers looking for protein biomarkers in dogs and interested in a comprehensive analysis of disease mechanisms is demonstrated.
机译:尽管蛋白质组学在人类生物医学中的应用已经探索了一段时间,但在动物和兽医学研究中,这种资源的潜力才刚刚开始被探索,尤其是在考虑陪伴动物健康的情况下。近年来,文献中已经积累了有关犬红斑狼疮蛋白质组的知识,并且缺乏汇编所有这些信息并对其进行严格审查的资源。本文首次展示了这样的资源。 CanisOme是一个在健康或疾病中在熟犬狼疮组织中鉴定出的所有蛋白质的数据库,并带有有关样品和供体上蛋白质的信息。该数据库重新整合了549种蛋白质的信息,这些蛋白质与63种犬病和33种犬种有关。通过对犬皮肤肥大细胞肿瘤中定量的蛋白质的功能分析以及对C. lupus Friendlyis和婴儿利什曼原虫的相互作用组的研究,均提供了有关如何利用此信息产生疾病机理新假设的实例。因此,证明了CanisOme对于在犬中寻找蛋白质生物标志物并对疾病机理进行全面分析感兴趣的研究人员的有用性。



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