首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plankton research >Three-dimensional distribution of small pelagic fish larvae (Sardinops sagax and Engraulis mordax) in a tidal-mixing front and surrounding waters (Gulf of California)

Three-dimensional distribution of small pelagic fish larvae (Sardinops sagax and Engraulis mordax) in a tidal-mixing front and surrounding waters (Gulf of California)

机译:潮汐混合前水和周围水域(加利福尼亚湾)中小型浮游鱼类幼虫(Sardinops sagax和Engraulis mordax)的三维分布

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Engraulis mordax and Sardinops sagax spawn in the highly productive midriff archipelago region of the Gulf of California, where intense tidal mixing produces a sharp thermal front. We analyzed the three-dimensional larval distribution of both species around the front from data obtained in February 2007 with opening-closing nets (505 m) in 50 m strata from the surface to 200 m depth. Engraulis mordax preflexion larvae and S. sagax preflexion and flexion larvae were on the warm side of the front in the upper 100 m of the water column, mostly in the >16°C mixed layer. However, S. sagax preflexion and flexion larvae tended to be absent from the stations of maximum abundance of E. mordax. The geostrophic jet associated with the front functioned as a boundary by hindering larval advection to the cold side. The wide distribution of E. mordax flexion larvae throughout the area (found down to 150 m) resulted from the species spawning in several regions. The spawning areas and the optimal conditions for E. mordax larvae had a wider range than those for S. sagax. Larval three-dimensional distribution in other ecosystems might differ as function of the species spawning interaction and the evolution of the physical system.
机译:Engraulis mordax和Sardinops sagax在加利福尼亚湾高产的中流群岛地区产卵,强烈的潮汐混合产生强烈的热锋。我们从2007年2月获得的数据分析了这两个物种在正面附近的三维幼虫分布,该数据使用了从地表到深度200 m的50 m地层中的开合网(505 m)。 Engraulis mordax preflexion幼虫和S. sagax preflexion和flexion幼虫位于水柱上部100 m的前部温暖侧,主要在> 16°C的混合层中。然而,沙门氏菌的前屈和屈曲幼虫在最大数量的大肠杆菌中往往不存在。与锋面相关的地转射流通过阻止幼虫向冷侧平流而成为边界。该物种在数个区域产卵,导致该物种的柔毛大肠杆菌弯曲幼虫在整个区域内分布广泛(低至150 m)。沙棘肠线虫幼虫的产卵区和最佳条件比沙门氏菌幼虫的产卵区和最佳条件要宽。其他生态系统中的幼虫三维分布可能因物种产卵相互作用和物理系统演变而有所不同。



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