首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pathology: Journal of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland >Asymmetric stem cell division and pathology: insights from Drosophila stem cell systems.

Asymmetric stem cell division and pathology: insights from Drosophila stem cell systems.


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Adult stem cells maintain many tissues and organs throughout the life of an organism by serving as renewable sources of differentiated cells. While stem cells remain in a relatively undifferentiated state, their daughters can commit to differentiation to acquire distinct cell fates. Therefore, a stem cell's choice between self-renewal and commitment to differentiation is of critical importance to the maintenance of functional tissues and organs. Many adult stem cells can divide asymmetrically to produce one self-renewed stem cell and one differentiated daughter, preserving the critical balance between stem cell and differentiated cell populations. Stem cell dysfunction and/or malfunction have been proposed to lead to several human pathologies, including tumourigenesis and tissue degeneration, yet whether a failure of asymmetric division is a primary cause of stem cell-related pathologies remains largely uninvestigated. Here, I discuss the implications of asymmetric stem cell division in pathology.



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