首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Physiology >Transient accumulation of Mg-protoporphyrin IX regulates expression of PhANGs - New evidence for the signaling role of tetrapyrroles in mature Arabidopsis plants

Transient accumulation of Mg-protoporphyrin IX regulates expression of PhANGs - New evidence for the signaling role of tetrapyrroles in mature Arabidopsis plants


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Genetic and physiological studies have revealed evidence for multiple signaling pathways by which the plastid exerts retrograde control over photosynthesis associated nuclear genes (PhANGs). It has been proposed that the tetrapyrrole pathway intermediate Mg-protoporphyrin IX (Mg-proto IX) acts as the signaling molecule in the pathways and accumulates in the chloroplasts and cytosol of the cell after treatment with the herbicide Norflurazon (NF). However, the role of Mg-Proto IX in plastid signaling has been challenged by two recent reports. In this paper, new evidence is presented supporting Mg-Proto IX as a plastid-signaling molecule in mature Arabidopsis seedlings. Fluorescence HPLC and confocal microscope observation verified that a short-term (<96 h) NF treatment resulted in a large accumulation of Mg-Proto IX accompanying with Lhcb repression, whereas the long-term NF treatments caused marked changes of tetrapyrrole pools, while Lhcb expression was continuously repressed. These results may explain the discrepancies among different reports. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) eliminator treatments only partly reversed the NF-induced repression of Lhcb. Therefore, the NF generates both ROS signals and Mg-Proto IX signals. Furthermore, our data suggested that plastid signal transduction through plastid GUN1 protein is independent of tetrapyrrole export from the plastid
机译:遗传和生理学研究已经揭示了多种信号通路的证据,质体通过这些信号通路对光合作用相关的核基因(PhANGs)进行逆行控制。有人提出四吡咯途径的中间产物Mg-原卟啉IX(Mg-proto IX)在该途径中起信号分子的作用,并在用除草剂Norflurazon(NF)处理后积聚在细胞的叶绿体和细胞质中。然而,Mg-Proto IX在质体信号传导中的作用已受到两项最新报道的挑战。在本文中,提出了新的证据支持Mg-Proto IX作为成熟拟南芥幼苗中的质体信号分子。荧光HPLC和共聚焦显微镜观察证明,短期(<96 h)NF处理导致Mg-Proto IX大量积累并伴有Lhcb抑制,而长期NF处理则导致四吡咯池发生明显变化,而Lhcb表达被持续抑制。这些结果可以解释不同报告之间的差异。活性氧(ROS)消除剂治疗只能部分逆转NF诱导的Lhcb抑制。因此,NF生成ROS信号和Mg-Proto IX信号。此外,我们的数据表明,通过质体GUN1蛋白进行质体信号转导与从质体中输出四吡咯无关



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