首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology >Role of alcohol dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme in flooding tolerance in Brachiaria species

Role of alcohol dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme in flooding tolerance in Brachiaria species


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A pot culture experiment was conducted to assess the role of malate dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase and malic enzyme in flooding tolerance in Brachiaria species. Ethanol levels were several times more in B. mutica (para-grass, tolerant) roots and leaves in comparison to B. brizantha (intolerant) roots and leaves, respectively. Ethanol concentration did not change during flooding in both the species. ADH activity increased four fold in B. mutica roots during flooding and remained unaffected in B. brizantha. Tolerance to higher concentration of ethanol and higher ADH activity in B. mutica roots during flooding would allow for the maintenance of ethanol fermentation system and result in continued energy production, MDH levels increased seven fold in B. mutica roots and decreased to half in leaves during flooding and remained unchanged in B. brizantha. Malic enzyme showed similar pattern in both the species indicating that ME may not be a limiting factor in determining flooding tolerance in Brachiaria species. Increased ADH and MDH activity played a central role in metabolic adaptation to flooding stress. Possible role of these responses in flooding tolerance in Brachiaria species is discussed.
机译:进行盆栽实验以评估苹果酸脱氢酶,醇脱氢酶和苹果酸酶在腕带物种中的耐洪能力。相比于B. brizantha(不耐性)的B. mutica(耐草),根和叶,乙醇的含量分别高出几倍。两种物种在洪水期间的乙醇浓度均未改变。在洪水期间,B。mutica根的ADH活性增加了四倍,而在B. brizantha中则不受影响。泛洪期间耐忍耐较高浓度的乙醇和较高的ADH活性将有助于维持乙醇发酵系统并导致持续的能量生产,在此期间,耐旱的MDH水平增加了7倍,叶片减少了一半。洪水,B。brizantha地区保持不变。苹果酸酶在两个物种中均表现出相似的模式,这表明ME可能不是决定臂状臂物种抗洪能力的限制因素。 ADH和MDH活性增加在对洪水压力的代谢适应中起着核心作用。讨论了这些反应在腕带种抗洪中的可能作用。



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