首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physical therapy science. >Association of Ability to Rise from Bed with Improvement of Functional Limitation and Activities of Daily Living in Hemiplegic Inpatients with Stroke: a Prospective Cohort Study

Association of Ability to Rise from Bed with Improvement of Functional Limitation and Activities of Daily Living in Hemiplegic Inpatients with Stroke: a Prospective Cohort Study


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[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of ability to rise from bed with improvement in functional limitations and activities of daily living (ADL) in hemiplegic inpatients with stroke. [Subjects] Participants were 38 hemiplegic inpatients with stroke in a convalescence rehabilitation unit. [Methods] On admission, a newly developed assessment, rising from bed independence score (RIS) and rise from bed time (RBT) were measured. On discharge, the Berg Balance Scale, Functional Movement Scale, and Functional Independence Measure were measured. We calculated correlation coefficients between ability to rise from bed on admission and these traditional measures on discharge. The proportion of subjects who regained independent gait was calculated among subjects whose RIS was 7 on admission. [Results] RIS and RBT were significantly correlated with most of the traditional measures on discharge. Only RIS was significantly correlated with relative gain. Of those with RIS=7 on admission, 76.9% regained independent gait. [Conclusion] We found that ability to rise from bed of inpatients with stroke was associated with improvement of functional limitation and ADL in a convalescence rehabilitation unit. Ability to rise from bed on admission was a useful predictor of independent gait on discharge.
机译:[目的]这项研究的目的是研究偏瘫住院的中风患者从床上起床的能力与功能限制和日常生活活动(ADL)改善之间的关系。 [对象]参加康复治疗的中风偏瘫住院患者38例。 [方法]入院时,对一项新开发的评估进行了测量,该评估从床独立性评分(RIS)和睡前时间(RBT)上升。出院时,测量伯格平衡量表,功能运动量表和功能独立性量度。我们计算了入院时从床上起床的能力与出院的这些传统措施之间的相关系数。计算入院时RIS为7的受试者中恢复独立步态的受试者的比例。 [结果] RIS和RBT与大多数传统的出院措施显着相关。仅RIS与相对增益显着相关。在入院时RIS = 7的患者中,有76.9%的患者恢复了独立步态。 [结论]我们发现,康复中风患者的卧床起床能力与功能限制和ADL改善有关。入院时从床上起床的能力是出院时独立步态的有用预测指标。



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