首页> 外文期刊>Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation >Concerning the importance of changes in hemorheological parameters caused by acid-base and blood gas alterations in experimental surgical models

Concerning the importance of changes in hemorheological parameters caused by acid-base and blood gas alterations in experimental surgical models


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Acid-base equilibrium and pH of blood have important clinical consequences in numerous diseases and pathophysiological conditions. The micro-rheological parameters of blood, such as red blood cell deformability and red blood cell aggregation are influenced by several metabolic factors, and provide information regarding inflammatory, septic and tissue or organ ischemia-reperfusion processes. Despite the anticipated logical relation of the blood acid-base condition, blood gas parameters and pH to red blood cell deformability and aggregation, controversial data can be found in the literature. Furthermore, related to ischemia-reperfusion hemorheological studies little is known about this issue. In this paper we aimed to thought-provokingly overview some aspect of acid-base changes, blood pH and hemorheological parameters, discussing certain results from ischemia-reperfusion experimental surgical models (local versus systemic changes), laboratory technical and experimental design protocols related to in vitro and in vivo studies.



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