首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, G. Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Institute of Physics Journal >Semi-microscopic description of the double backbending in some deformed even-even rare earth nuclei

Semi-microscopic description of the double backbending in some deformed even-even rare earth nuclei


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A semi-microscopic model to study the neutron- and proton-induced backbending phenomena in some deformed even-even nuclei from the rare earth region is proposed. The space of particle-core states is defined by the angular momentum projection of a quadrupole deformed product state. The backbending phenomena are described by mixing four rotational bands, defined by a set of angular momentum projected states, and a model Hamiltonian describing a set of paired particles moving in a deformed mean field and interacting with a phenomenological deformed core. The ground band corresponds to the configuration where all particles are paired, while the other rotational bands are built on one neutron or/and one proton broken pair. Four rare earth even-even nuclei which present the second anomaly in the observed moments of inertia are successfully treated within the proposed model.



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