首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physics, A. Mathematical and theoretical >New integrable sectors in the Skyrme and four-dimensional CPn models

New integrable sectors in the Skyrme and four-dimensional CPn models


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The application of a weak integrability concept to the Skyrme and CPn models in four dimensions is investigated. A new integrable subsystem of the Skyrme model, allowing also for non-holomorphic configurations, is derived. This procedure can be applied to the massive Skyrme model as well. Moreover, an example of a family of chiral Lagrangians providing exact, finite energy Skyrme-like solitons with arbitrary value of the topological charge is given. In the case of CPn models a tower of integrable subsystems is obtained. In particular, in (2+1) dimensions a one-to-one correspondence between the standard integrable submodel and the BPS sector is proved. Additionally, it is shown that weak integrable submodels allow also for non-BPS solutions. Geometric as well as algebraic interpretations of the integrability conditions are also given.
机译:研究了弱可积性概念在四个维度上对Skyrme和CPn模型的应用。导出了Skyrme模型的新可集成子系统,该子系统还允许非全同构型。此过程也可以应用于大型Skyrme模型。此外,给出了一个手性拉格朗日派族的例子,该族提供了精确的,有限能量的,类似于Skyrme的孤子,具有任意值的拓扑电荷。在CPn模型的情况下,将获得一个可集成子系统的塔。特别是,在(2 + 1)维中,证明了标准可集成子模型与BPS扇区之间一一对应。此外,它表明弱可积子模型还允许使用非BPS解决方案。还给出了可积性条件的几何和代数解释。



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