
Successful resection of an undifferentiated sarcoma in a child using a real-time surgical navigation system in an open magnetic resonance imaging operation room.


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Imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used as tools for preoperative simulation and intraoperative navigation. Using these tools, surgeons can easily visualize hidden tumors concealed by organs such as the liver in instances of hepatocellular carcinoma [1-4]. Magnetic resonance imaging is especially advantageous for soft-tissue mass visualization because of the excellent image contrast of soft tissue compared with CT [5,6]. In addition, MRI avoids the use of radiation; so multiple images can be acquired without increased risk of radiation exposure to the patient. The open MRI operation room was established at Kyushu University Hospital in March 2005. This room is equipped with an MRI machine with a permanent magnet, surgical bed, surgical lights, and a ventilator so that open or endoscopic surgery can be performed under general anesthesia. We have previously reported the usefulness of real-time navigation under open MRI for ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma [2,4].


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