首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >Testing mating disruption of the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in field tents.

Testing mating disruption of the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in field tents.


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Since the beginning of the invasion of the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimic 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), into Europe over 20 years ago the damage to white flowering horse chestnut trees, Aesculus hippocastanum L (Sapindales: Hippocastanaceae) has remained extensive. This study evaluates the possible use of pheromone mating disruption as a control option against the horse chestnut leafminer. The heterogeneous distribution of ornamental trees in parks and gardens requires a different approach to evaluate pest control than in homogeneous crop fields, orchards or plantations where mating disruption is usually applied. For this reason we set up field experiments with host trees of the same age and size in field tents with a defined number of leafminers in two different densities. In the first experiment the effective quantity of newly developed C. ohridella pheromone dispensers was tested by recapturing males using traps baited with virgin females. Ninety-five percent less males were captured if three or more dispensers were positioned at a 4 m radius around the outside of an experimental tent. This set up was then used in the second experiment where male and female leafminers were released into field tents in order to assess the effect of pheromone on the reduction of leaf mining damage. Surprisingly, the pheromone dispensers were found to have no effect on the number of leaf mines at either low or high leafminer densities. Mating sites of the horse chestnut leafminer, multiple matings and distribution of pheromone dispenser are discussed as possible factors influencing the outcome in this study.
机译:自欧洲七叶树leaf小叶虫 Cameraria ohridella Deschka和Dimic 1986 (鳞翅目:Gracillariidae)开始入侵欧洲以来,二十多年前对白色开花马的危害板栗树,欧洲七叶树(Sapindales:Hippocastanaceae)仍然广泛。这项研究评估了将信息素交配破坏作为对抗七叶树潜叶虫的控制选择的可能性。在公园和花园中,观赏树木的异质分布与通常用于交配破坏的均质作物田,果园或人工林相比,需要不同的方法来评估害虫防治。因此,我们在野外帐篷中使用相同年龄和大小的寄主树进行野外实验,并在野外帐篷中以两种不同的密度定义了多个挖矿机。在第一个实验中,新开发的iC的有效量。 ohridella信息素分配器是通过使用与处女雌成虫诱捕的诱捕器重新捕获雄性而进行测试的。如果在实验帐篷的周围以4 m半径放置三个或三个以上的分配器,则捕获的男性数量减少了百分之九十五。然后将该设置用于第二个实验中,将雄性和雌性矿工释放到野外帐篷中,以评估信息素对减少采叶危害的作用。出人意料的是,发现信息素分配器在低或高矿工密度下对叶雷的数量没有影响。七叶树leaf矿工的交配部位,信息素分配器的多次交配和分布是影响本研究结果的可能因素。



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