首页> 外文期刊>Journal of personality and social psychology >Ethnic group identification and group evaluation among minority and majority groups: Testing the multiculturalism hypothesis

Ethnic group identification and group evaluation among minority and majority groups: Testing the multiculturalism hypothesis


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Following social identity theory, the author hypothesized that members of minority groups are more likely than majority group members to endorse multiculturalism more strongly and assimilationist thinking less strongly. In addition, the inulticulturalism hypothesis proposes that the more minority groups endorse the ideology of multiculturalism (or assimilationism), the more (or less) likely they will be to identify with their ethnic in-group and to show positive in-group evaluation. In contrast, the more majority group members endorse multiculturalism (or assimilationism), the less (or more) likely they are to identify with their ethnic group and to show negative out-group evaluation. Results from 4 studies (correlational and experimental) provide support for this hypothesis among Dutch and Turkish participants living in the Netherlands.



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