首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >The abundance of Orius niger (Wolf.) and O. minutus (L.) in potato fields and their life table parameters when fed on two prey species.

The abundance of Orius niger (Wolf.) and O. minutus (L.) in potato fields and their life table parameters when fed on two prey species.

机译:Orius niger (狼)和 O的丰富度。以两种猎物为食的马铃薯田中的(L.)及其生命表参数。

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Two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) and onion thrips are serious pests of potatoes in the Ardabil region (Iran). In the present study, anthocorid species were identified in potato fields of this region during 2006 and 2007. The results of the abundance study indicate that Orius niger (Wolff) and O. minutus (Linnaeus) are major predators of these pests in potato fields. The life table parameters of these predators were compared when they were fed 2nd instar larvae of onion thrips or female TSSM on potato leaves. In these experiments, O. niger had a lower nymphal mortality, longer oviposition period, higher net reproductive rate (R0), and higher intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) when fed thrips instead of mites. O. minutus feeding on mites compare to thrips had a lower nymphal mortality, longer oviposition period, higher net reproductive rate, and higher intrinsic rate of natural increase. Based on these results, it can be concluded that these predators could be useful as biological agents in potato fields.
机译:二斑叶螨(TSSM)和洋葱蓟马是Ardabil地区(伊朗)马铃薯的严重害虫。在本研究中,该区域的马铃薯田在2006年至2007年期间鉴定了正棘皮动物物种。丰度研究结果表明, Orius niger (Wolff)和 O。 minutus (Linnaeus)是马铃薯田间这些害虫的主要捕食者。比较了这些捕食者在马铃薯叶上喂食洋葱蓟马或雌性TSSM的二龄幼虫时的生命表参数。在这些实验中,为O。尼日尔具有较低的若虫死亡率,产卵期较长,净生殖率( R 0 )高,内在自然增长率高( r m ),而不是螨虫。哦与螨虫相比,以螨虫为食的虫死亡率更低,产卵时间更长,净生殖率更高,自然生长的固有率更高。基于这些结果,可以得出结论,这些捕食者可以用作马铃薯田中的生物制剂。



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